Corallum a lax cluster of short branches, up to about 4 cm high; each the trunk of a large axial corallite 8-10 mm average diameter. Buds (lateral corallites) arising in pairs near calicinal rim. Branches occupying periphery of the cluster bent downward while the buds grow upward.
Lateral corallites mostly narrower at base, direction of deflection not regular as in D. micrantha. Calice of axial corallite up to 10 x 9 mm diameter, 7 mm deep; calicinal fossa open because of narrow septa. Primaries and secondaries almost equal in width; very narrow at top, gradually widening downward, usually slightly but distinctly expanded at about middle of course; edge entire; slightly thickened, sometimes slightly deflected near columella. Other septa small, ruggedly toothed, not reaching columella, usually coalescent below. Septal surface laxly spinulate, the spinules sometimes in distinct vertical rows specially on primaries.
Costal ridges conspicuous throughout length of corallite, mostly wider than intervening furrows; spinules sharp, more often irregularly disposed.
Columella relatively small consisting of few, sometimes only one, twisted lamella; or without any at all. When lamellae are lacking, columella a small depressed area, so that opposite septa almost meet across calicinal fossa.
UP C-495: Idem.