Corallum arborescent, 8 cm high, attached by a broad base, over 2 cm wide; main stem flattened, 20 x 15 mm average diameter; branches irregularly arranged although lower ones arise in pairs; buds produced near calicinal margin. Wall fragile, only half mm thick.
Mother (axial) corallite 13 x 12 mm diameter. Lateral corallites increasing in diameter from base to margin, 10 mm and 14 mm respectively for the biggest corallite; height ranging from 7 mm to 28 mm; the latter already bear a single bud. Calice slightly elliptical, the biggest 14 x 13 mm; a medium sized one 11 x 10 mm. Depth of biggest calice 15 mm; medium sized one 10 mm.
Pourtales arrangement of septa very distinct. Primaries and secondaries subequal, starting very narrow near calicinal rim then gradually widening as they proceed downward; dropping vertically towards calicinal fossa at about middle of courses; their uppermost portion usually cut into lobulate teeth and with large perforations; middle portion entire, at most finely granulate; lower portion thickened, slightly oblique, irregularly dentate; surface laxly granulate (spinulate). Septa of higher order narrower, not reaching columella and calicinal rim; markedly dentate and perforate.
Costal ridges regular in height or thickness; as thick as intervening furrows; usually lined with single row of granules, uniformly prominent throughout colony; 10 to half cm.
Columella a little less than a third of calicinal diameter, depressed; very loose mass of twisted narrow lamellae.