Corallum extremely light, like rubber foam, irregular mass measuring 7 cm long, 5 cm wide, 2.5 cm high. Lower surface has large depression bordered all around with white film-like epitheca – presumably depression marks base of attachment, produced when specimen was pulled off the substratum. Upper surface slightly undulate.
Corallites polygonal, almost uniform diameter (2 mm), deep. Wall delicate, lace-like with meshes large, different sizes; with few scattered short spines.
Septa represented by fine, sharp, short spines projecting far short of radius midpoints, arranged in extremely irregular manner; cycles impossible to distinguish; very few, some corallites having only 2 or 3.
This species has smaller calices and much shorter septa than A. verrilliana reported for the first time from the Philippines by the present author in a previous paper.
This is named after Dr. Angel C. Alcala, Vice President of Silliman University.