Corallum very crowded arborescent clumps of stems, branches and branchlets. Stem presumably oblique so lower and upper surfaces distinguishable; heavy, 3.5 cm diameter, closely divided into heavy gradually tapering branches. One branch: 15.5 cm long, 2 cm diameter at base, subdivided. Branches have abundant short branchlets all around but those on lower side less abundant. Branchlets on lower side almost vertical; long ones fewer on proximal region than towards apical region; simple, nonproliferous ones up to 1.3 cm high, slightly tapering to rounded or conical tips; several proliferous ones; proximal ones more terete than distal because radial corallites less prominent on former. Branchlets on upper surface crowded, rough sided because of prominent radials; tapering into acute tips; most bear branchlets. One simple unbranched branchlet 1.3 high, 6-8 mm across at base.
Axial corallite cylindrical, 2.5-3 mm across, 1-1.5 m exsert; wall thick, dense; calice around 1 mm diameter. Septa in 2 complete cycles, well developed; primaries reaching half radius points, directives only slightly differentiated; secondaries half as wide.
Radials on stem and proximal portions of branches all immersed or at most with a very slight ring around, less than a mm diameter; towards distal regions, some produce triangular or ligulate lower lips, mixed with bigger dimidiate ones with truncate tips near the apical parts, but still with few immersed corallites scattered among them; of various sizes. Radials on branchlets labellate or dimidiate, spout-shaped, wall slightly thickened, standing around 45° to branchlets, decreasing in diameter and height from base to apex, edge truncate. Large dimidiate basal corallite 3 mm high, 2 mm across semicircular edge. Several tubular proliferous corallites formed at sides of branchlets. Septa in one cycle, well developed; very occasionally 1 or 2 very narrow secondaries present; primary cycle not complete in few radials.
Intercalicinal areas spongy, reticulate, bearing simple scatterd low spines. Calicinal wall very distinctly costate; in some corallites edge of costae at base cut into very fine teeth.