Corallum proliferous, arborescent. Branches stout, up to 1.5 cm diameter, often curved. Branchlets gradually tapering; crowded all over with corallites; one has these dimensions: length 5.5 cm, diameter at base 1.5 cm; another is 6.5 cm long, 1.3 cm diameter at base.
Axial corallite relatively small; 2 mm diameter, 1-1.5 mm exsert. Wall moderately thick, porous, costulate. Septa in 2 complete cycles; primaries wide, almost reaching center of fossa, directives very slightly wider; secondaries half as wide or less.
Radial corallites crowded, all tubular but of unequal height. Tallest 1-1.2 mm diameter, up to 3.5 mm high, projecting almost vertically; distal end slightly constricted; calice oblique or facing upward; longer lower lip thicker than shorter upper lip. Smaller ones of various height and diameter interspersed among tall ones; their calices terminal or slightly subterminal. Wall of all radials porous, distinctly costulate; costae smooth on distal corallite, echinulate on older ones. Primaries slightly developed, directives often meeting across fossa. Very narrow secondaries occasionally present on large corallites, cycle incomplete; usually wanting in small corallites.
Intercalicinal areas covered with short spines arranged in distinct rows topping continuation of costae from calicinal wall. Reticulation not very evident.