Document Types
Paper Presentation
School Code
School Name
De La Salle University Integrated School (Laguna)
Research Advisor (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
Masongsong, Angela Nicole S.
Abstract/Executive Summary
The Dolomite Beach Project is a beach nourishment project implemented by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) as a part of their Manila Bay Clean Up Program. The Dolomite Beach project aims to help preserve coastal resources and prevent coastal flooding and erosion. Despite the project’s goals, experts believe that the project may prove to be detrimental to both the environment and the public. Since there is hardly any research on Dolomite Beach and its environmental effects, this study aims to evaluate the impacts of the Dolomite Beach. This study focused on determining if there is an increase in sedimentation or turbidity expressed as reflectance that can affect marine biodiversity and consult these findings with an environmental specialist to suggest necessary action steps. The necessary data for the study was obtained through the online database USGS EarthExplorer and processed using the QGIS software to obtain the necessary reflectance values and spectral signature plots. The study found an increase in sedimentation that may be attributed to the dolomite beach as seen in the generated spectral signature plots.
remote sensing; QGIS; Manila Baywalk Dolomite Beach; sedimentation
Start Date
29-6-2023 10:30 AM
End Date
29-6-2023 12:00 PM
Initial Consent for Publication
A GIS-based Approach to Evaluating the Environmental Impacts of the Manila Bay Dolomite Beach from 2020 to 2022
The Dolomite Beach Project is a beach nourishment project implemented by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) as a part of their Manila Bay Clean Up Program. The Dolomite Beach project aims to help preserve coastal resources and prevent coastal flooding and erosion. Despite the project’s goals, experts believe that the project may prove to be detrimental to both the environment and the public. Since there is hardly any research on Dolomite Beach and its environmental effects, this study aims to evaluate the impacts of the Dolomite Beach. This study focused on determining if there is an increase in sedimentation or turbidity expressed as reflectance that can affect marine biodiversity and consult these findings with an environmental specialist to suggest necessary action steps. The necessary data for the study was obtained through the online database USGS EarthExplorer and processed using the QGIS software to obtain the necessary reflectance values and spectral signature plots. The study found an increase in sedimentation that may be attributed to the dolomite beach as seen in the generated spectral signature plots.