Animo Repository - DLSU Senior High School Research Congress: Resource Determinants of Social Media Engagement in Mental Health Advocacy Among Senior High School Students: Digital Resources, Mental Health Literacy, and Social Media Competence

Document Types

Paper Presentation

School Code


School Name

De La Salle University Integrated School

Abstract/Executive Summary

To increase mental health awareness among people, mental health advocates utilize and engage in various social media platforms, varying on several resource determinants, including (1) digital resources, (2) mental health literacy, and (3) social media competence. This cross-sectional study examines how digital resources, mental health literacy, and social media competence are related to social media engagement in mental health advocacy (SME-MHA) among Filipino senior high school students. A convenience sample of 157 students participated in an online survey. Descriptive and bivariate statistics were used to determine the relationships among the variables. Findings suggest that students with more active social media accounts and high levels of mental health literacy were engaged in social media advocacy for mental health. All domains of social media competence were positively correlated with at least one type of SME-MHA. Latent SMEMHA was positively correlated with all domains of social media competence, while content generation was linked to higher levels of all types of SME-MHA. Thus, mental health literacy, social media competence, and active engagement in various social media platforms are key to promoting mental health awareness among online communities.


advocacy; mental health literacy; digital resources; social media competence; social media engagement

Start Date

29-6-2023 8:00 AM

End Date

29-6-2023 10:00 AM


Jun 29th, 8:00 AM Jun 29th, 10:00 AM

Resource Determinants of Social Media Engagement in Mental Health Advocacy Among Senior High School Students: Digital Resources, Mental Health Literacy, and Social Media Competence

To increase mental health awareness among people, mental health advocates utilize and engage in various social media platforms, varying on several resource determinants, including (1) digital resources, (2) mental health literacy, and (3) social media competence. This cross-sectional study examines how digital resources, mental health literacy, and social media competence are related to social media engagement in mental health advocacy (SME-MHA) among Filipino senior high school students. A convenience sample of 157 students participated in an online survey. Descriptive and bivariate statistics were used to determine the relationships among the variables. Findings suggest that students with more active social media accounts and high levels of mental health literacy were engaged in social media advocacy for mental health. All domains of social media competence were positively correlated with at least one type of SME-MHA. Latent SMEMHA was positively correlated with all domains of social media competence, while content generation was linked to higher levels of all types of SME-MHA. Thus, mental health literacy, social media competence, and active engagement in various social media platforms are key to promoting mental health awareness among online communities.