Document Types
Paper Presentation
School Code
School Name
De La Salle University Integrated School, Manila
Research Advisor (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
Limson, Brian M.
Abstract/Executive Summary
There has been a lack of research on the irregular menstruation of female adolescents in the Philippines. However, few studies still exist on middle-aged women and young adults in urban areas. It was also stated that in the Philippines, menstrual disorders were the third most commonly reported gynecological morbidity (Campbell & Harlow, 2000). Thus, the study aims to research the mental stress and physical sedentary behavior concerning irregular menstruation of female adolescent Filipinos. Explanatory sequential mixed methods were used in the study, wherein the qualitative data expounded the quantitative. Non-probability sampling: Convenience sampling was used. The Google forms were disseminated to 60 National Capital Region (NCR) teenagers through convenience sampling. Additionally, the 8 participants for gathering qualitative data were from the 60 participants. The questionnaires: Adolescent Sedentary Activity Questionnaire and Perceived Stress Scale were used in collecting quantitative data (sedentary activity and stress). The qualitative data was analyzed through computing the means. The researchers interviewed participants each regarding their personal experiences with the irregularity of menstruation, which was then analyzed through thematic analysis. With more than half exhibiting high stress and a high level of sedentary behavior, it was found that stress and an adolescent's sedentary activity have a direct relationship with menstrual regularity. This study will benefit female adolescents, parents, schools, and hospitals in the Philippines, and for females through additional knowledge regarding their menstrual health and application in real life.
irregular menstruation, stress, adolescent, sedentary lifestyle, health
Start Date
27-6-2023 1:00 PM
End Date
27-6-2023 3:00 PM
Research Theme (for Paper Presentation and Poster Presentation submissions only)
Food, Nutrition, and Health (FNH)
Initial Consent for Publication
The Irregularity of Menstruation among Adolescents: A Sequential Mixed Methods Study with regards to Stress and Sedentary Behavior
There has been a lack of research on the irregular menstruation of female adolescents in the Philippines. However, few studies still exist on middle-aged women and young adults in urban areas. It was also stated that in the Philippines, menstrual disorders were the third most commonly reported gynecological morbidity (Campbell & Harlow, 2000). Thus, the study aims to research the mental stress and physical sedentary behavior concerning irregular menstruation of female adolescent Filipinos. Explanatory sequential mixed methods were used in the study, wherein the qualitative data expounded the quantitative. Non-probability sampling: Convenience sampling was used. The Google forms were disseminated to 60 National Capital Region (NCR) teenagers through convenience sampling. Additionally, the 8 participants for gathering qualitative data were from the 60 participants. The questionnaires: Adolescent Sedentary Activity Questionnaire and Perceived Stress Scale were used in collecting quantitative data (sedentary activity and stress). The qualitative data was analyzed through computing the means. The researchers interviewed participants each regarding their personal experiences with the irregularity of menstruation, which was then analyzed through thematic analysis. With more than half exhibiting high stress and a high level of sedentary behavior, it was found that stress and an adolescent's sedentary activity have a direct relationship with menstrual regularity. This study will benefit female adolescents, parents, schools, and hospitals in the Philippines, and for females through additional knowledge regarding their menstrual health and application in real life.