Animo Repository - DLSU Senior High School Research Congress: “Epektibo ba ang Blended Learning?”: Determinants of Effective Blended Learning Through the Lens of SHS Students

Document Types

Paper Presentation

School Code


School Name

De La Salle University Integrated School, Manila

Research Advisor (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)

Arcinas, Myla M.

Abstract/Executive Summary

Blended learning integrates in-person and online learning, resulting in a flexible learning environment. The main objective of this study is to determine the perceived level of blended learning effectiveness among Grade 12 STEM students from a Philippine private university based in the City of Manila. It also examined the relations between the learners’ attitudes, level of efficacy in using the LMS, and academic support received from parents and teachers. A total of 202 SHS students answered the survey questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, Spearman Rho, and multiple regression were employed to analyze the data. Findings show a positive attitude of the learners on the use of blended learning as a mode of learning (x͂ = 4), high self-efficacy on the use of LMS (x͂ = 4), high academic parental support (x͂ =4) and high teachers’ support (x͂ = 4). The findings of their perceived effectiveness of blended learning show a high rating with x͂ = 4. The Spearman Rho tests found each variable’s correlation with blended learning effectiveness. Both instructors' academic support for students and learners' attitudes had a strong positive correlation; LMS self-efficacy had a moderately positive correlation, while parents' academic support had a weak positive correlation. Multiple regression tests revealed that learners’ attitudes, academic support received from parents and teachers, and students’ level of efficacy in using the LMS design features are all predictors of effective blended learning.


blended learning; learner’s attitude; LMS efficacy; parental support; teacher’s support

Start Date

27-6-2023 3:30 PM

End Date

27-6-2023 4:00 PM


Jun 27th, 3:30 PM Jun 27th, 4:00 PM

“Epektibo ba ang Blended Learning?”: Determinants of Effective Blended Learning Through the Lens of SHS Students

Blended learning integrates in-person and online learning, resulting in a flexible learning environment. The main objective of this study is to determine the perceived level of blended learning effectiveness among Grade 12 STEM students from a Philippine private university based in the City of Manila. It also examined the relations between the learners’ attitudes, level of efficacy in using the LMS, and academic support received from parents and teachers. A total of 202 SHS students answered the survey questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, Spearman Rho, and multiple regression were employed to analyze the data. Findings show a positive attitude of the learners on the use of blended learning as a mode of learning (x͂ = 4), high self-efficacy on the use of LMS (x͂ = 4), high academic parental support (x͂ =4) and high teachers’ support (x͂ = 4). The findings of their perceived effectiveness of blended learning show a high rating with x͂ = 4. The Spearman Rho tests found each variable’s correlation with blended learning effectiveness. Both instructors' academic support for students and learners' attitudes had a strong positive correlation; LMS self-efficacy had a moderately positive correlation, while parents' academic support had a weak positive correlation. Multiple regression tests revealed that learners’ attitudes, academic support received from parents and teachers, and students’ level of efficacy in using the LMS design features are all predictors of effective blended learning.