| Reaffirming the Critical Role of Transformative Research and Knowledge Production in the Age of Post-Truth



The DLSU SHS Research Congress is the largest annual gathering of senior high school research mentors and students in the country. This congress is a venue for research-based ideas, business concepts and products, and art performances and exhibitions from the capstone projects of senior high school students. DLSU SHS believes that in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world, commitment to research will empower the youth to be knowledge-seekers, truth-tellers, and agents of change. To uphold the University’s vision-mission of bridging faith and scholarship amidst disruptive situations, the Congress highlights the essential role of nurturing a culture of research through the production and dissemination of innovative knowledge for continuous human development and social transformation.

The 4th DLSU SHS Research Congress, held on a digital platform, is a testament that our young researchers could realize innovations toward a more sustainable and crisis-proactive society. Despite the limitations posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Congress featured 117 paper and poster presentations, 13 business concepts, and 33 arts and design research presentations, from the 76 participating schools nationwide, with 3440 students and teachers. The Master Classes equipped teacher participants and research mentors with a strong foundation on action research and research dissemination through publication.

The new attitude and mindset of VUCA 2.0 (vision, understanding, courage, and adaptability) inspired this year’s Congress to move beyond. With our continuous advocacy against disinformation, misinformation, and malinformation, as well as the rise and conflict of Artificial Intelligence in assisting learning, the 5th DLSU SHS Research Congress actively responds with the theme Reaffirming the Critical Role of Transformative Research and Knowledge Production in the Age of Post-Truth. The Congress believes in the power of transformative research to facilitate the rediscovery of shared truths and renegotiate existing norms, beliefs, and values toward a more sustainable society. Through this Congress, young scholars, artists, and entrepreneurs are challenged to feature scientific and artistic research projects that showcase their commitment to providing convergent truths that withstand the challenges posed by the VUCA influences today and in the future.


The first four installments of the Congress surmounted a great deal of obstacles - physical, environmental, and even virtual. To embody such feats, the organizing committee of the 5th DLSU SHS Research Congress has decided to launch the new official logo. The Lasallian Star, Signum Fidei, represents the mission of De La Salle University to be of service to the Church and society, especially the poor and marginalized, through research and innovation that will bring about social transformation. The arrowhead symbolizes the commitment of the Congress to continuously elevate the quality of senior high school students’ research projects to equip them as they someday take vital roles in society and the world.


Virtual sessions, exhibits, and performances at the 5th De La Salle University Senior High School Research Congress will showcase the capstone projects of senior high school students from both domestic and international participating schools. Such events shall cover the following tracks and specific strands:

Academic Track
      Accountancy, Business, and Management Strand (ABM)
     Humanities and Social Sciences Strand (HUMSS)
     Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Strand (STEM)

Arts and Design Track
     Arts Production Strand
     Performing Arts Strand

Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track

Sports Track


Paper Presentation

The Paper Presentation will showcase research concepts, collaborations, innovations, and products of various strands and tracks through an interactive virtual presentation.

Poster Presentation

The Poster Presentation is an exhibition of research concepts, collaborations, innovations, and products of various strands and tracks through a virtual display of research posters. This exhibit will particularly show the relevance and contribution of the presenters’ research work in their chosen discipline.

Business Presentation

The Business Presentation will provide an opportunity for future business professionals to exhibit their entrepreneurial skills, showcase their innovative products, and contribute to the various fields of business knowledge. The business concepts shall be supported by sound business plans that promote product sustainability and social responsibility, while the business research papers share findings in business operations, management, marketing, accounting, and economics.

Arts and Design Research Presentation

The Arts and Design Research Presentations event is a platform for emerging artist-researchers whose research and/or creative works are interpretative, explorative, interdisciplinary, or critical. These works must respond to the congress theme through innovation, provocation, or mediation. This event is open for senior high school artist-researchers engaged in the visual arts, design and applied arts, digital arts, film, creative writing, performing arts, music, dance, and community-based artistic projects.

Master Class

The Master Class is a venue for global educational leaders to visualize together the changes and constructs for a post-pandemic research program. DLSU SHS Research Congress aims to be a unifying opportunity for local and international faculty researchers as this is a space for discourses about improving educational programs within their schools and districts through learning engagement from various Lasallian masters of the field. The event encourages mentors and scholars across countries to apply, collaborate, and integrate in the pursuit of sustainable actions through research.


  1. The 5th DLSU SHS Research Congress on June 27-28, 2023, is exclusive to Grade 11 and 12 senior high school students of Academic Year 2022–2023 from schools all over the world.
  2. Registration for the Congress is done per school, with a minimum of one (1) student and one (1) faculty. A maximum of 50 registrants per school (already inclusive of the number of teachers and students) is allowed to register for the Congress.
  3. Since the Congress will be conducted through an online platform, there shall be no registration fees to be collected from the participants.
  4. All interested schools must accomplish the School Registration Form.
  5. Registration starts on March 24, 2023 and ends on June 16, 2023.
  6. After accomplishing the form, a confirmation email from the Communications Committee will be sent to the school along with the official registration sheet. ONLY those whose names appear in the official registration sheet shall be considered as Registered Participants. The confirmation email also includes the invitation to the Congress Events.
  7. The following shall be provided by the organizers to the confirmed participants: Book of Abstracts, Certificate of Participation, Congress Proceedings, and use of DLSU Congress virtual facilities.
  8. To protect the privacy and security of Congress participants during the virtual events, no on-the-spot registration will be accommodated. Further inquiries shall be directed to the Communications Committee at shsresearchcongress@dlsu.edu.ph.


Types of Presentation

•   Paper Presentation

1. Participants who are interested in joining this event may submit their Research Manuscripts whose topics are related to any of the following themes:

                                       Paper Presentation Research Themes CODE
Food, Nutrition, and Health FNH
Materials Engineering MEN
Sustainability, Environment, and Energy SEE
Computer and Software Technology, and Robotics CSR
21st Century Learning and Innovations CLI
Gender, Human Development, and the Individual GHI
Family, Relations, and Social Structure FRS
Media and Philippine Studies MPS
Living Culture and Contemporary Societies LCS
Entrepreneurship, Business Management, and the Organization EBOV
Socio-Economic and Political Landscape SPL
Theoretical, Philosophical, and Historical Studies TPH

2. Entries for this Congress Event should use the Paper Presentation Template. Authors are required to download the format and edit with Microsoft Word. They must also accomplish the Statement of Originality signed by their adviser.

3. Further details, requirements, and instructions will be EXCLUSIVELY sent to the registered participants.

•   Poster Presentation

1. Participants who are interested in joining this event may submit their Research Manuscripts whose topics are related to any of the following themes:

                                       Poster Presentation Research Themes CODE
Food, Nutrition, and Health FNH
Materials Engineering MEN
Sustainability, Environment, and Energy SEE
Computer and Software Technology, and Robotics CSR
21st Century Learning and Innovations CLI
Gender, Human Development, and the Individual GHI
Family, Relations, and Social Structure FRS
Media and Philippine Studies MPS
Living Culture and Contemporary Societies LCS
Entrepreneurship, Business Management, and the Organization EBOV
Socio-Economic and Political Landscape SPL
Theoretical, Philosophical, and Historical Studies TPH

2. Entries for this Congress Event should use the Poster Presentation Template. Authors are required to download the format and edit with Microsoft Word. They must also accomplish the Statement of Originality signed by their adviser.

3. Further details, requirements, and instructions will be EXCLUSIVELYsent to the registered participants.

•   Business Presentation

1. Submission of the Business Plan or Business Research (includes research in Production, Marketing, Organizational Behavior, Finance, Accounting, and Economics) is required of all participants who intend to showcase their business concepts or present their research.

2. The Business Plan should contain the following:
     I. Title Page (Business Name, Business Members, School Name, Business Logo)
     II. Executive Summary
     III. Business Registration and Organization
     IV. Business Plan Implementation
         A. Production
         B. Marketing (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion)
         C. Human Resources
         D. Finance (Projected Vs. Actual)
       V. Product Diversification
       VI. Future Plans
       VII. Appendices

3. The Business Research should contain the following:
      I. Title Page (Research Title, Researchers, School Name)
      II. Abstract
      III. Introduction
      IV. Methodology
      V. Results and Discussion
      VI. Conclusions
      VII. References
      VIII. Appendices

4. Entries for this Congress Event should use the Business Plan Template or Business Research Template. Authors are required to download the format and edit with Microsoft Word. They must also accomplish the Statement of Originality signed by their adviser.

5. Further details, requirements, and instructions will be EXCLUSIVELY sent to the registered participants.

•   Arts and Design Research Presentation

1. The Congress invites senior high school students to submit their arts and design research or fully documented creative work. Submissions can fall into any of the following categories:

Category CODE                                        GENRE
Visual Arts VA Two-dimensional (Painting, Printmaking) Three-dimensional (Engraving, Sculpture, Installation Art)
Design and Applied Arts DAA Architecture, Interior Design, Furniture Design / Product Design, Crafts / Decorative Arts, Fashion Design
Digital Arts DA Graphic Design , Digital Illustration, Game Design, Mobile App design
Photography, Film and Animation FLM Photography, Short Film, Documentary, Animated Short, Experimental/ Video Art
Creative Writing CW Poetry Collection, Short Story, Flash Fiction, Play, Novel, Experimental/hybrid writing
and Performance Art
TA Performance of a scene excerpt from a play or performance device Scenic, Costume, Make-up, or Puppetry Design Experimental/ Immersive Theater/ Performance Art
Dance and Movement Art DNC Performance of an original choreography
Music and Sonic Art MUS Performance of an original composition
Community Art Initiatives CAI Art-and-Design-based projects that promote and stimulate a vibrant art scene or deliver observable social interventions to the community.

2. Entries for this Congress Event should use the Arts and Design Research Template. Interested participants must download the format and edit with Microsoft Word. They must also accomplish the Statement of Originality signed by their adviser.

3. With the template above, interested participants are required to submit an academic paper accompanied by their artwork attachments. Please see the tables below for the required attachments for the selected category.

Category Genre                Attachments   Specifications
Visual Arts (VA) Two-dimensional
(Painting, Prints, Mural)
  1. High-resolution photographs of the artwork (3 close-ups and 2 wide shots) with dimensions
  2. PDF document describing the dimensions. Length in feet, weight in kilogram.
Solo Piece
  1. Any material or medium
  2. Length and Width:
    minimum of 3ft x 4ft,
    maximum of 4ft x 8ft.
  3. Weight: maximum 20 kilos
Series or Collection (min. of 3 pieces)
  1. Any material or medium
  2. Length and Width (per piece):
    minimum of 20 inches x 30 inches,
    maximum of 3ft x 4ft.
  3. Weight:
    maximum 20 kilos
Three-dimensional (Relief, Sculpture) (Painting, Prints, Mural)
  1. High-resolution photographs of the artwork (3 close-ups and 4 wide shots) with dimensions, specifically:
    • Front
    • Back
    • Side Profile
  2. PDF document describing the dimensions. Length in feet, weight in kilos.
Relief (High, Low, Bas)
  1. Any material or medium
  2. Length and Width:
    minimum of 2ft x 2ft,
    maximum of 3ft x 4ft.
  3. Weight: maximum 20 kilos
  1. Any material or medium
  2. Length, Width, Height: minimum of 1ft x 1ft x 3ft, maximum of 5ft x 5ft x 5ft.
  3. Weight: maximum 50 kilos
Series or Collection (min of 3 pcs)
Relief (High, Medium and Low)
  1. Any material or medium
  2. Length and Width: minimum of 15 inches x 20 inches, maximum of 2ft x 4ft.
  3. Weight: maximum 20 kilos
Free Standing
  1. Any material or medium
  2. Length, Width, Height: minimum of 1ft x 1ft x 1ft, maximum of 5ft x 5ft x 5ft
  3. Weight: maximum 50 kilos
Installation Art (site-specific, interactive, light installation, sound/video installation, ephemeral)
  1. High-resolution photographs of the artwork (5 close-ups and 4 wide shots) with dimensions, specifically:
    • Front
    • Back
    • Side Profile
  2. High-resolution video-tour (maximum of 3 minutes) featuring parts/areas installation.
  3. PDF document describing the dimensions. Length in feet, weight in kilos.
  1. Any material or medium
  2. Size (floor/ ceiling/ wall): minimum of 5 sq m, maximum of 25sq m.
  3. Any material or medium

Category Genre                Attachments   Specifications
Design and Applied Arts Architecture JPEG or PNG images of:
  1. exterior perspective, and
  2. floor plan with dimensions,
  3. a high-resolution photograph of the scale model (close-up and wide shot).
  1. Floor plan scale (1:50 m)
  2. Dimensions may vary for exterior perspective drawing and scale model
Interior design JPEG or PNG images of:
  1. exterior perspective, and
  2. floor plan with dimensions,
  3. a high-resolution photograph of the scale model (close-up and wide shot).
  1. Floor plan scale (1:50 m)
  2. Dimensions may vary for exterior perspective drawing and scale model
Furniture design, Product Design JPEG or PNG images of:
  1. Working drawings with dimensions,
  2. Assembly drawings, and
  3. A high-resolution photograph of the prototype or actual product (close-up and wide shot).
  1. Dimension may vary for the prototype
Crafts and Decorative Art High-resolution photograph of the artwork (close-up and wide shot) with dimensions
  1. A collection of 5 pieces with different designs
  2. Minimum of 5inches x 5inches x 5inches
  3. Material: wood, metal, textile, paper, and organic objects
Fashion Design Design illustration (front and back) and high-resolution photograph of the actual apparel (close-up and wide shot)
  1. Colored illustration in A4-size image (digital or hand-drawn)
  2. Actual dress: any material
  3. Weight: minimum of 2kgs, maximum of 5kgs

Category Genre                Attachments   Specifications
Photography, Film and Animation Photography DJPEG or PNG format of the photos with the title as a file name. File size should not be smaller than 5MB.
  1. A collection of five (5) photos on the same subject or theme
  2. In A4-sized, 200 dpi and RGB mode
  3. Post-processing of photos is acceptable
Short Film 720p resolution in .mp4 file video format with the title as file name
  1. Duration: Maximum of 20 minutes, including opening and closing billboards
  2. Any subject or theme following rated PG prescriptions (provocative/ sensitive subject matter must have a disclaimer or warning before the opening billboard
  3. Use of original and/ or public domain music score soundtrack (otherwise, copyright or license to use in an educational setting must be secured first)
Documentary 720p resolution in .mp4 file video format with the title as file name
  1. Duration: Maximum of 25 minutes, including opening and closing billboards
  2. Any subject or theme following rated PG prescriptions (provocative/ sensitive subject matter must have a disclaimer or warning before the opening billboard
  3. Use of original and/ or public domain music score soundtrack (otherwise, copyright or license to use in an educational setting must be secured first)
Animated Short 720p resolution in .mp4 file video format with the title as file name
  1. Duration: Maximum of 8 minutes, including opening and closing billboards
  2. Any subject or theme following rated PG prescriptions (provocative/ sensitive subject matter must have a disclaimer or warning before the opening billboard
  3. Use of original and/ or public domain music score soundtrack (otherwise, copyright or license to use in an educational setting must be secured first)
Video Art/ Experimental 720p resolution in .mp4 file video format with the title as file name
  1. Duration: Maximum of 20 minutes, including opening and closing billboards
  2. Any subject or theme following rated PG prescriptions (provocative/ sensitive subject matter must have a disclaimer or warning before the opening billboard
  3. Use of original and/ or public domain music score soundtrack (otherwise, copyright or license to use in an educational setting must be secured first)

Category Genre                Attachments   Specifications
Creative Writing Collection of Poetry PDF copy of the literary work
  1. A collection of five (5) poems of the same theme.
  2. Letter-size (8.5 x 11 inches)
  3. Times New Roman, font size 12, double-spaced, 1-inch margin
  4. In Filipino and/or English
  5. If Regional Language, an English translation should be provided
Short Story PDF copy of the literary work
  1. One (1) short story with 5-10 pages on any theme
  2. Letter-size (8.5 x 11 inches)
  3. Times New Roman, font size 12, double-spaced, 1-inch margin
  4. In Filipino and/or English
  5. If Regional Language, an English translation should be provided
Flash Fiction PDF copy of the literary work
  1. A collection of five (5) flash fiction on the same theme or different themes, with 150-300 words each
  2. Letter-size (8.5 x 11 inches)
  3. Times New Roman, font size 12, double-spaced, 1-inch margin
  4. In Filipino and/or English
  5. If Regional Language, an English translation should be provided
Play PDF copy of the literary work
  1. Approximate stage reading time of 15-30 minutes for one-act play and 30-60 minutes for full-length
  2. Letter-size (8.5 x 11 inches)
  3. Times New Roman, font size 12, double-spaced, 1-inch margin
  4. In Filipino and/or English
  5. If Regional Language, an English translation should be provided
Novel PDF copy of the literary work
  1. One (1) novel with 50-100 pages of any theme
  2. Letter-size (8.5 x 11 inches)
  3. Times New Roman, font size 12, double-spaced, 1-inch margin
  4. In Filipino and/or English
  5. If Regional Language, an English translation should be provided
Experimental/ hybrid writing PDF copy of the literary work
  1. One (1) work that combines two or more genres/forms of writing or merges creative writing with another art genre/ form, on any theme
  2. Letter-size (8.5 x 11 inches)
  3. Times New Roman, font size 12, double-spaced, 1-inch margin
  4. In Filipino and/or English
  5. If Regional Language, an English translation should be provided

Category Genre                Attachments   Specifications
Theater and Performance Art Excerpt from a play or a short play (Original, Canon, or Contemporary) Spoken word/Poetry Reading Devised Piece with broad-spectrum (No limit in form, style, technique) Video demonstration of the scene performance with clear audio recording in .mp4 video file format with the title as filename.
  1. Duration: 1-20 minutes
  2. No limit to the number of performers
  3. May include a production team (director, playwright, stage manager, dramaturg, actor, etc.)
  4. No limit to the form, style, and technique as long as grounded in the production concept.
  5. Staging must be appropriate to the concept of play/piece. Preferably but not limited to a black backdrop. Props and set pieces may be used.
  6. Actors should be in intended costume and make-up
  7. Cinematic angles and shots to assist storytelling/ staging may be used.
  8. Video clips can also be edited or undergo a post-production process.
  9. In Filipino, English, or any regional language
  10. Provocative/ sensitive subject matter must have a disclaimer or warning before the opening billboard
Scenic Design
  1. Video Scenic Tour Containing a brief explanation of the play or the source of the design.
  2. Image of the stage design illustration and high-resolution photograph of the stage scenic design scale model (close-up and wide shot)
  1. Duration: 2-8 minute scenic tour video (Including the brief explanation of the source and concept)
  2. Scenic tours must include the creation process of the design.
  3. Colored illustration in A4-sized image
  4. Dimensions may vary for the scale model
  5. The scene may come from a specific act of a play
Costume Design and/or Make-up Design
  1. Video tour containing a brief explanation of the play or the source of the design.
  2. Design illustration (front and back) and high-resolution photograph of the actual costume (close-up and wide shot)
  3. Design illustration of Make-up design with close up shots on Eyes, Lips, Half of the face, and wide shot)
  1. Duration: 2-8 minute video including a brief explanation of the source, process, and design concept.)
  2. Two (2) character costumes from a similar play
  3. Costumes must come from a specific act of the play
  4. Colored illustration in A4-sized image
  5. The make-up design may come from a play, theme, or concept (e.g, Unity, Resilience, Hope)
Puppetry Design
  1. Video tour containing a brief explanation of the play or the source of the design.
  2. Design illustration (front and back) and high-resolution photograph of the actual costume (close-up and wide shot)
  1. Duration: 2–8-minute video including a brief explanation of the source, process, and design concept.
  2. Two (2) or more puppet designsfrom a play or any piece.
  3. Colored illustration in an A4-sized image
Performance Art/ Experimental Video demonstration of the scene performance with clear audio recording in .mp4 video file format with the title as file name
  1. Duration: 1 – 20 minutes.
  2. No limit to the number of performers
  3. Theater or film elements can be utilized.
  4. No limit to the form, style, and technique as long as grounded in the production concept.
  5. Staging must be appropriate to the concept of play/piece. Preferably but not limited to a black backdrop. Props and set pieces may be used.
  6. Actors should be in intended costume and make-up
  7. Cinematic angles and shots to assist storytelling/ staging may be used.
  8. Video clips can also be edited or undergo a post-production process.
  9. In Filipino, English or any language (Regional, International, made-up language)
  10. Provocative/ sensitive subject matter must have a disclaimer or warning before the opening billboard
Immersive or interactive theater Video or Audio demonstration of the immersive theater piece with the use of one or more theatrical elements such as and not limited to sound design, video design, lighting design, website performance design.
  1. Duration: 1-20 minutes immersive content
  2. Content could be as simple as ambiance immersion, lighting shows with sound, or a collection of videos edited together as long as it is grounded in the production concept of the performance.
  3. Can include actors as part of the design
  4. Must include special instructions to the viewers/listeners if needed (e.g., wear headphones, watch in a dark room, etc.)
  5. The piece may or may not include a flow. It could be in a loop with an extreme length where viewers/listeners can come and go; or have a clear beginning, middle, and end.
  6. Provocative/ sensitive subject matter must have a disclaimer or warning before the opening billboard

Category Genre                Attachments   Specifications
Dance and Movement Art Performance of an originally choreographed dance PDF copy of the dance description/synopsis and video demo of the dance choreography in .mp4 video file format with the title as file name
  1. Duration: 5 to 10-minute dance piece
  2. Solo or duo
  3. Captured in a wide shot steady single angle video.
  4. Can include a version that uses cinematic angles to assist in storytelling.

Category Genre                Attachments   Specifications
Music and Sonic Art Performance of an original composition (single or extended play (EP) PDF copy of the music score and/or lyrics, photo of the single or EP cover, and video demo of the entire performance in .mp4 video file format with the title as a file name.
  1. Duration: 3 to 12 minutes
  2. Any music genre
  3. In Filipino, English, or any regional Language (for vocals).

Category Genre                Attachments   Specifications
Community Art Initiatives Art events, projects, self-curated exhibition/ performance, community-based art, art-based community engagements, service-learning activity, social enterprise projects, or information campaigns/ advocacies.
  1. PDF copy of full report containing day-to-day documentation of the project implementation, art process involved, design elements and materials,
  2. Video report in 720p resolution in .mp4 file video format with the title as file name
  1. Around four (4) to ten (10) pages
  2. Letter size (8.5X11 inches)
  3. Times New Roman, font size 12, double-spaced, 1-inch margin
  4. Photo attachments (in full color)
  5. In Filipino and/or English
  6. If in a regional language, an English translation should be provided
  7. Duration of Video Report: 3 – 5 minutes.

4. Interested participants MUST submit their original work and declare authenticity. This event also allows works that have been presented in other conferences, exhibited in galleries or art spaces, screened in film festivals, or performed in theaters and stages.

5. ONLY finished and complete manuscript and artworks will be accepted. In addition, the artistic work should not contain pornographic, obscene, extremely violent, unnecessarily provocative content (images, audio, video or text) nor messages that promote hate towards a particular race, ethnicity, physical quality, gender, religious belief nor social class.

6. The panel reviewers will evaluate the submissions based on the following: research content, process, writing, craftsmanship, concept/ creative direction, aesthetic impact, and appropriateness to be presented in a research forum and public exhibition. The panel reviewers reserve the right to reject or accept art research and creative works. Some accepted works may be given instructions for further revision and improvement. This is to streamline the works with the curatorial directive of this Congress event..

7. Further details, requirements, and instructions will be EXCLUSIVELY sent to the registered participants.




Dr. Jason Vincent Cabanes
Dr. Jason Vincent A. Cabañes is a Professor of Communication and Research Fellow at De La Salle University. He is the Chair of the Ethnicity and Race in Communication Division of the International Communication Association and Associate Editor of the top-tier journal Communication, Culture, and Critique.  His primary research focus is on the mediation of cross-cultural solidarities and intimacies in popular culture and digital media. His works appear in publications such as Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, the International Journal of Cultural Studies, and the International Journal of Communication. He is also co-author of an upcoming short book on how Filipinos engage with racist and historically distortionist digital disinformation, which will be published by ISEAS Publishing. In 2021, he was named by the National Academy of Science and Technology of the Philippines as one of the country’s Outstanding Young Scientists.


Dr. Luz Suplico-Jeong
Accountancy and Business Management
Dr. Luz Suplico-Jeong teaches marketing at De La Salle University. She has published in Scopus and non-Scopus journals. Her research interests are global marketing, export marketing, and consumer behavior. She is passionate about encouraging students and teachers to do research. Currently, she is the Executive Director of the University’s Center for Business Research and Development (CBRD).

Dr. Shirley O. Lua
Arts and Design Track
Dr. Shirley O. Lua is an Associate Professor of Literature at De La Salle University. She sits on the board of the Manila Critics Circle, which hands out the National Book Awards annually to the best books published in the Philippines, and the Manunuri ng Pelikulang Pilipino, the film critics group that confers the annual Gawad Urian on the best Philippine movies. She wrote the texts in 44 Cineastas Filipinos, a coffee-table book on Filipino filmmakers. She co-edited Direk: Essays on Filipino Filmmakers (with Clodualdo del Mundo, Jr., DLSU Publishing House and Sussex Academic Press, 2018), which garnered the 2020 Gintong Aklat Award for Best Book in the Arts and the Humanities. She is the former director of DLSU Bienvenido N. Santos Creative Writing Center (2011-2017). She is currently serving as the Assistant Dean for Research and Advanced Studies at the College of Liberal Arts.

Prof. Michael Charleston "Xiao" B. Chua
Humanities and Social Sciences
Prof. Michael Charleston "Xiao" B. Chua is the most active public historian on television in the country. He teaches History at De La Salle University and Broadcast Communication at the University of the Philippines Diliman. He is a BA and MA History graduate and a Ph.D. candidate in Anthropology at UP Diliman. He is a co-author of the book “Bonifacio: Ang Unang Pangulo and ng Bayani Biographies: Andres Bonifacio.” He also published various articles in academic journals. He became a consultant for History with Lourd (TV5) and the teleseryes Katipunan and Ilustrado (GMA7). He created the Xiao Time television segment that is now watched by students and teachers all over the Philippines. He also writes a column in The Manila Times every Tuesday. He was recently named by Esquire as one of the 100 Most Powerful Filipinos.

Dr. Janet S. Mariano
Sports Track
Dr. Janet S. Mariano is an Assistant Professor at De La Salle University where she heads the Department of Physical Education. Prior to this, she worked for 9 years in the business industry as an Operations Manager at R Residences and as a Sports Supervisor at Valle Verde Country Club. Her research interests include sports and organizational commitment, leadership traits, e-sports olm, and PE pedagogy. Most recently, her paper titled “E-sports online learning module amidst covid-19 pandemic” was published in Q1 Scopus-indexed journal. She is currently working on another paper focused on the veracity of cardio workouts on the fitness level of university students during the post-pandemic transition.

Dr. Divina Amalin
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Dr. Divina Amalin is a faculty of Biology at the De La Salle University. Dr. Amalin received her Bachelor of Science major in Entomology and Master of Science major in Entomology at the University of the Philippines Los Baños, Laguna. She finished her Doctor of Philosophy major in Entomology from the University of Florida, USA. Dr. Amalin has a broad training and experience in research, teaching, and extension in the field of Agriculture. She has a strong background in Entomological research both in basic and applied research, such as in Integrated Pest Management and Systematics of insects and spiders as reflected in her publications and research achievements. During her postdoctoral fellowship, she was involved in the Florida and Offshore Biological Control Initiative: A cooperative Agreement between UF and USDA-APHIS-PPQ Eastern Region. Currently, she is working on the IPM program for cacao pests in the Philippines and assumes the chairmanship for the ASEAN COCOA CLUB Technical Working Group on Good Agricultural Practices.


Dr. Chona Camille VinceCruz-Abeledo
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Dr. Chona Camille VinceCruz-Abeledo is a scientist, teacher, science communicator, and entrepreneur from the Philippines. She leads a team of brilliant researchers who develop innovations that help fishers and farmers produce more with less, and the technologies they create are at the nexus of molecular biology, genetics, ecology, big data, machine learning, and information technology. She is also the creator of the science channel SHE-ensya, fueled by her advocacy to improve communications between the scientific community and other sectors of society. A recipient of the 2021 Outstanding Asian Science Diplomat award and honored as one of 2021’s Southeast Asian Women Science Leaders, she has a diversified background in research rooted in a Bachelor of Science Degree in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology from the University of the Philippines – Diliman, which is complemented by a Master of Environment and Natural Resources Management degree from the UP Open University. Her dissertation work on the molecular and morphological characteristics of Scylla species in the Philippines celebrates the synergy between genetics and ecology, as she completed it from the De La Salle University with a Fulbright dissertation grant to the University of Washington in Seattle. Innovations from this dissertation won her the DOST-PCIEERD’s 2015 Outstanding Research and Development Award for Emerging Technologies. Right now, she is actively engaged in citizen science projects on the impacts of climate change on the conditions of coastal communities and the assessment of plastic pollution in different ecosystems. The community efforts of her team have led her to be awarded the 2023 Lasallian Pillar of Excellence Award in Community Engagement. She is also the founder of CrabTECH Innovations, an aquatech startup company that won the Women in Ocean Food Innovation Studio 2022 pitch competition for their Crabifier and Alinmango technologies.

Dr. Maricar S. Prudente
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Dr. Maricar S. Prudente is presently a Full Professor 10 of the Science Education Department at De La Salle University. She completed her Ph.D. in Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology at Ehime University, Japan, under a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Ronpaku Fellow Grant. As an educator, Dr. Prudente has served as an administrator in various capacities at De La Salle University. Dr. Prudente has also served as a resource person, facilitator, and coordinator in various seminars, workshops, and training programs dealing with action research, environmental issues, science education, and technology integration. To date, Dr. Prudente has authored and co-authored 65 scientific research papers on environmental monitoring of persistent toxic substances and innovations in science education, which were published in academic journals that are indexed and abstracted by Web of Science and Scopus. Currently, her Google Scholar profile shows her total citations at 8,105 and an h-index of 32, placing her among the top-rank scientists and researchers in the country. Her involvement in research was recognized in 2015 when she was awarded the Lasallian Pillar of Excellence in Research by De La Salle University. Dr. Prudente was also the recipient of the 2015 Lifetime National Achievement Award of the National Research Council of the Philippines. Moreover, Dr. Prudente was recognized as the 2018 Outstanding Filipino JSPS Fellow in the field of Education by the Department of Science and Technology and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Prof. Prudente also served as the Chair of Division 1- Educational, Governmental, and International Policies of the National Research Council of the Philippines for 2 Terms from Fiscal Year 2016 up to 2020. Presently, Dr. Prudente sits as the Vice President of the National Governing Board of the Biology Teachers Association of the Philippines. Moreover, since 2015 up to the present, Dr.. Prudente is the chairperson and organizer of the Action Research Action Learning, an International Congress held annually at De La Salle University Manila.Presently, she is the President of the Biology Teachers Association of the Philippines for FY 2023-2025.

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Date last updated: March 30, 2023 / luisezracruz DLSU LIBRARIES

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