Proponent/s Name/s (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)

Krizel T. Adame

Document Types

Arts and Design Research Presentation

School Code


School Name

De La Salle University Manila

Track or Strand

Arts and Design Track (ADT)

Research Advisor (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)

Bautista, Adriane R.

Abstract/Executive Summary

Looking at the current situation, the colonial mentality is one of the common social phenomena that is observable among Filipinos. Colonial mentality refers to having a perception that one’s identity is inferior compared to foreign culture and ethnicity. Deemed as a result of a long-term colonial history in the Philippines, internalized oppression and a feeling of inferiority for one’s self-cultural identity have become prevalent. This mindset would negatively affect a Filipino’s sense of self-identity. The research study aims to shed light on the particular effects of the existing colonial mentality and enlighten the readers about the issue’s presence. The research included supporting information about Postcolonial Theory. Furthermore, the researcher conducted a survey to get the perception of Filipino students towards the presence of colonial mentality. With that, the artworks would consist of “Fading Away,” “Style,” and “Dream Place,” which would serve as a visual representation of the different effects of colonial mentality, specifically on Skin-color Hierarchy, Patronage of Foreign Culture, and Desire for Emigration. In addition, the artist would be creating the three paintings on canvas utilizing gouache paint as the medium. Through social realism as the art style, the artist will be able to visually express these human experiences with a realistic approach. Moreover, decolonization through art engagement could be one of the possible ways to reduce the colonial mentality. The three artworks would allow the viewers to be aware of this social issue and inspire people to have a more nationalistic mentality with regard to their cultural identity.


colonial mentality; Philippine cultural identity; skin-color hierarchy; patronage of foreign culture; emigration; postcolonial theory; social realism

Art Category Code (for Arts and Design Research Presentation submissions only)

Visual Arts (VA)

Art Sub-category Code


Start Date

27-6-2023 8:00 AM

End Date

27-6-2023 9:00 AM


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Jun 27th, 8:00 AM Jun 27th, 9:00 AM

Tangkilikin ang sariling atin: Presence of colonial mentality among Filipinos today

Looking at the current situation, the colonial mentality is one of the common social phenomena that is observable among Filipinos. Colonial mentality refers to having a perception that one’s identity is inferior compared to foreign culture and ethnicity. Deemed as a result of a long-term colonial history in the Philippines, internalized oppression and a feeling of inferiority for one’s self-cultural identity have become prevalent. This mindset would negatively affect a Filipino’s sense of self-identity. The research study aims to shed light on the particular effects of the existing colonial mentality and enlighten the readers about the issue’s presence. The research included supporting information about Postcolonial Theory. Furthermore, the researcher conducted a survey to get the perception of Filipino students towards the presence of colonial mentality. With that, the artworks would consist of “Fading Away,” “Style,” and “Dream Place,” which would serve as a visual representation of the different effects of colonial mentality, specifically on Skin-color Hierarchy, Patronage of Foreign Culture, and Desire for Emigration. In addition, the artist would be creating the three paintings on canvas utilizing gouache paint as the medium. Through social realism as the art style, the artist will be able to visually express these human experiences with a realistic approach. Moreover, decolonization through art engagement could be one of the possible ways to reduce the colonial mentality. The three artworks would allow the viewers to be aware of this social issue and inspire people to have a more nationalistic mentality with regard to their cultural identity.