Document Types
Paper Presentation
Research Advisor (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
Annabelle B. Bonje
Abstract/Executive Summary
This phenomenological study discusses the traditional and modern customs of courtship in Metro Manila that have emerged during the 21st century, an era that witnessed the simultaneous progression of time, technological advancement, and urbanization. As it is designed to examine their lived experiences throughout time, the researchers conducted eight (8) online in-depth interviews while observing a balanced gender ratio wherein the subjects are classified under three (3) generations, namely, generation X, generation Y or millennials, and generation Z. Upon analyzing their testimonies and observations, multiple themes arose about the changing courtship patterns in Metro Manila. The researchers identified that the stages of courtship, modern or not, start with a friendship, where individuals can learn about each other’s personalities and gauge their compatibility. In that sense, technology allowed individuals to pursue their romantic interests through online means, which is most present in urbanized cities due to their wide range of access to the internet. However, being inside the digital bubble paved the way for urban residents to be exposed to the Westernized culture that influenced them to adopt specific customs, resulting in the existence of Western modes of courtship. This study also introduced a hybrid form of traditional and modern patterns of courtship, allowing individuals to use them according to their preference. Therefore, the courtship patterns in Metro Manila evolved from the common traditional pattern to a more modern, adaptive, and encompassing custom of courtship.
phenomenology; technology; urbanization; courtship; relationship
Start Date
13-5-2022 8:00 AM
End Date
13-5-2022 10:00 AM
Research Theme (for Paper Presentation and Poster Presentation submissions only)
Living Culture and Contemporary Societies (LCS)
Mahal Kita, Bilib Ka Ba?: A Phenomenological Study on the Changing Patterns of Courtship in Metro Manila
This phenomenological study discusses the traditional and modern customs of courtship in Metro Manila that have emerged during the 21st century, an era that witnessed the simultaneous progression of time, technological advancement, and urbanization. As it is designed to examine their lived experiences throughout time, the researchers conducted eight (8) online in-depth interviews while observing a balanced gender ratio wherein the subjects are classified under three (3) generations, namely, generation X, generation Y or millennials, and generation Z. Upon analyzing their testimonies and observations, multiple themes arose about the changing courtship patterns in Metro Manila. The researchers identified that the stages of courtship, modern or not, start with a friendship, where individuals can learn about each other’s personalities and gauge their compatibility. In that sense, technology allowed individuals to pursue their romantic interests through online means, which is most present in urbanized cities due to their wide range of access to the internet. However, being inside the digital bubble paved the way for urban residents to be exposed to the Westernized culture that influenced them to adopt specific customs, resulting in the existence of Western modes of courtship. This study also introduced a hybrid form of traditional and modern patterns of courtship, allowing individuals to use them according to their preference. Therefore, the courtship patterns in Metro Manila evolved from the common traditional pattern to a more modern, adaptive, and encompassing custom of courtship.