Animo Repository - DLSU Senior High School Research Congress: Nurture: A Campaign about Animal Adoption in the Philippines through Digital Illustrations

Proponent/s Name/s (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)

Julianne P. Chuah, De La Salle University Integrated School (Manila)

Document Types

Arts and Design Research Presentation

Research Advisor (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)

Jerilou Marie A. Buted

Abstract/Executive Summary

This paper focuses on animal adoption in the Philippines and how art can influence people to support this action. Animal adoption is not given much attention in the country, and certain stigmas are surrounding such topics. Additionally, some people prefer to choose the breed of their pet, so they would instead buy from a breeder or a pet store rather than adopting one. This causes shelters to overpopulate with animals, ultimately resulting in the euthanization of some animals. This research aims to normalize animal adoption through art—in the form of a campaign. The paper also connects utilitarianism to adoption in the context of happiness. The artworks will be digitally drawn and stylized in a cartoon manner. After the study, the artist hopes that it will open the eyes of Filipinos and change their views on animal adoption, therefore influencing them to adopt their pet; furthermore, solve the issue of overpopulation in local animal shelters.


adoption; utilitarianism theory; animals; shelters; happiness

Start Date

12-5-2022 1:00 PM

End Date

13-5-2022 12:00 PM

Research Theme (for Paper Presentation and Poster Presentation submissions only)

Digital Arts (DA)

Included in

Illustration Commons


May 12th, 1:00 PM May 13th, 12:00 PM

Nurture: A Campaign about Animal Adoption in the Philippines through Digital Illustrations

Jaime Hilario Virtual Auditorium 2

This paper focuses on animal adoption in the Philippines and how art can influence people to support this action. Animal adoption is not given much attention in the country, and certain stigmas are surrounding such topics. Additionally, some people prefer to choose the breed of their pet, so they would instead buy from a breeder or a pet store rather than adopting one. This causes shelters to overpopulate with animals, ultimately resulting in the euthanization of some animals. This research aims to normalize animal adoption through art—in the form of a campaign. The paper also connects utilitarianism to adoption in the context of happiness. The artworks will be digitally drawn and stylized in a cartoon manner. After the study, the artist hopes that it will open the eyes of Filipinos and change their views on animal adoption, therefore influencing them to adopt their pet; furthermore, solve the issue of overpopulation in local animal shelters.