Document Types
Poster Presentation
School Code
School Name
De La Salle University Integrated School, Laguna
Abstract/Executive Summary
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unemployment and a lack of food. Filipinos have turned to indoor and outdoor gardening as an alternative source of income and food. However, one of the problems faced by home gardeners is space insufficiency. This research aims to find a solution to this problem by designing an outdoor tensegrity hydroponic system and constructing its model using Bamboo (Bambusoideae) and Abaca Fiber (Musa textilis). The research followed a system called the ADDIE Model to execute its methodology. The dimensions of the tensegrity hydroponic system design were planned during the Analysis phase. Freehand sketches of proposed designs were created during the Design phase. The three chosen proposed designs were rendered using Sketch-up in the Development phase. The best design was picked by comparing the three proposed designs in FreeCAD. The selected design was constructed in the Implementation phase and was evaluated during the Evaluation phase. The chosen design, table-top design, had the highest pascals (Pa) under a Generic Wood stressor in the Von Mises Stress test. The structure maintained its balance and withstood a load of three liters of greywater.
tensegrity; hydroponic system; bamboo; abaca; COVID-19
Start Date
30-4-2021 11:00 AM
End Date
30-4-2021 12:00 PM
Initial Consent for Publication
Designing a Tensegrity Form of an Outdoor Hydroponic System Utilizing Bamboo (Bambusoideae) and Abaca Fiber (Musa textilis)
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unemployment and a lack of food. Filipinos have turned to indoor and outdoor gardening as an alternative source of income and food. However, one of the problems faced by home gardeners is space insufficiency. This research aims to find a solution to this problem by designing an outdoor tensegrity hydroponic system and constructing its model using Bamboo (Bambusoideae) and Abaca Fiber (Musa textilis). The research followed a system called the ADDIE Model to execute its methodology. The dimensions of the tensegrity hydroponic system design were planned during the Analysis phase. Freehand sketches of proposed designs were created during the Design phase. The three chosen proposed designs were rendered using Sketch-up in the Development phase. The best design was picked by comparing the three proposed designs in FreeCAD. The selected design was constructed in the Implementation phase and was evaluated during the Evaluation phase. The chosen design, table-top design, had the highest pascals (Pa) under a Generic Wood stressor in the Von Mises Stress test. The structure maintained its balance and withstood a load of three liters of greywater.