Document Types
Paper Presentation
School Code
School Name
De La Salle University Integrated School, Manila
Research Advisor (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
Engr. Ithan Jessemar Dollente and Dr. Michael Angelo Promentilla
Abstract/Executive Summary
Fertilizers play an important role in providing crops with essential nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), which supplements plant growth. Compared to synthetically composed commercial fertilizers, next generation fertilizers are manufactured from low-energy mechanisms and are composed of nutrients from repurposed wastes which make them cost-efficient and sustainable. With the objective of determining which would deem to be an effective next generation fertilizer, we focus on human urine and meat and bone meal, to which its processing included solar drying, freezing, grinding, and utilizing additives to prevent fungal growth as well as improve efficacy. Three iterations, each with four set ups: plain urine, urine and meat and bone meal, control, and meat and bone meal only; were used to examine which content would prove more beneficial to the growth and quality of the chosen plant, Vigna radiata. The study adapted a quantitative analysis that aimed to measure the plant height, leaf area index, and dark green color index through the conduction of statistical tests and the use of ImageJ. As a result, the paper was able to conclude that the combination of urine and meat and bone meal poses a great potential for future fertilizer use.
Next generation fertilizer; human urine; meat and bone meal; vigna radiata
Start Date
30-4-2021 8:00 AM
End Date
30-4-2021 10:00 AM
Research Theme (for Paper Presentation and Poster Presentation submissions only)
Sustainability, Environment, and Energy (SEE)
Initial Consent for Publication
Ur Next GF: Urine as Next Generation Fertilizer with Meat and Bone Meal Applied on Vigna radiata (Monggo plant)
Fertilizers play an important role in providing crops with essential nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), which supplements plant growth. Compared to synthetically composed commercial fertilizers, next generation fertilizers are manufactured from low-energy mechanisms and are composed of nutrients from repurposed wastes which make them cost-efficient and sustainable. With the objective of determining which would deem to be an effective next generation fertilizer, we focus on human urine and meat and bone meal, to which its processing included solar drying, freezing, grinding, and utilizing additives to prevent fungal growth as well as improve efficacy. Three iterations, each with four set ups: plain urine, urine and meat and bone meal, control, and meat and bone meal only; were used to examine which content would prove more beneficial to the growth and quality of the chosen plant, Vigna radiata. The study adapted a quantitative analysis that aimed to measure the plant height, leaf area index, and dark green color index through the conduction of statistical tests and the use of ImageJ. As a result, the paper was able to conclude that the combination of urine and meat and bone meal poses a great potential for future fertilizer use.