Document Types
Paper Presentation
School Code
School Name
De La Salle Santiago Zobel School - Vermosa Campus, Imus City, Cavite
Abstract/Executive Summary
Nowadays, electricity is a pressing conflict due to the increase in demand by the populace. Thus, energy prices have also increased, making it considerably inaccessible to several population members. Considering this, the researchers have studied the type of N-PK fertilizer that can improve the efficiency of producing electricity from a living plant. There were four experimental setups of Aloe barbadensis miller that were utilized in the experiment. Every variable and component of each setup was constant, except the type of fertilizer that was added to the soil. The first setup did not have any fertilizer, the second group had Nitrogen-based (N-P-K 21:0:0), the third group had Phosphorus-based (N-P-K 0:22:0), and the fourth group had Potassium-based (N-P-K 0:0:50). The researchers gathered data on electricity generated in the Aloe vera derived from a capacitor using a multimeter every 12 hours for 16 days. Descriptive statistics and repeated measures of ANOVA statistical tests were utilized to perform the data analysis. Results showed that the setup with potassium-based fertilizer had produced significantly greater electricity (p < .05) among the four setups whose differences were insignificant (p > .05). Time had a moderate but negligible effect on the electricity produced by the Aloe vera. It is advised to increase the time taken to observe the plant if further research will be done on the topic.
aloe vera; electricity generation; nitrogen-based fertilizer; phosphorusbased fertilizer; potassium-based fertilizer
Research Theme (for Paper Presentation and Poster Presentation submissions only)
Sustainability, Environment, and Energy (SEE)
Initial Consent for Publication
On the Effects of N-P-K Fertilizer to the Electricity Generated by Aloe barbadensis miller
Nowadays, electricity is a pressing conflict due to the increase in demand by the populace. Thus, energy prices have also increased, making it considerably inaccessible to several population members. Considering this, the researchers have studied the type of N-PK fertilizer that can improve the efficiency of producing electricity from a living plant. There were four experimental setups of Aloe barbadensis miller that were utilized in the experiment. Every variable and component of each setup was constant, except the type of fertilizer that was added to the soil. The first setup did not have any fertilizer, the second group had Nitrogen-based (N-P-K 21:0:0), the third group had Phosphorus-based (N-P-K 0:22:0), and the fourth group had Potassium-based (N-P-K 0:0:50). The researchers gathered data on electricity generated in the Aloe vera derived from a capacitor using a multimeter every 12 hours for 16 days. Descriptive statistics and repeated measures of ANOVA statistical tests were utilized to perform the data analysis. Results showed that the setup with potassium-based fertilizer had produced significantly greater electricity (p < .05) among the four setups whose differences were insignificant (p > .05). Time had a moderate but negligible effect on the electricity produced by the Aloe vera. It is advised to increase the time taken to observe the plant if further research will be done on the topic.