Conference Theme and Sub-Themes

CLIS 2025 | Measuring Change, Changing Measures:
Impact and Assessment in Libraries

Libraries are experiencing a paradigm shift in how they define and assess impact. Traditional metrics, such as collection size and transaction counts, are giving way to more holistic approaches that measure engagement, learning outcomes, and institutional contributions. This conference highlights the evolving impact of libraries and the need to adapt assessment tools and practices to their changing roles. It focuses on effective strategies to measure outcomes and demonstrate the value of library services, programs, and resources in supporting learning, teaching, research, and community development.

The conference will also address how libraries can align assessment strategies with broader institutional goals, leverage data for informed decision-making, and advocate for their role in research, teaching, and community engagement.

Papers are invited on various aspects of library assessment following the sub-themes below:

Sub-Theme 1. Data-Informed Library Enhancements: Optimizing Collections, Services, and Spaces
  • Analyzing usage and relevance of digital and print collections, including open-access resources, and demonstrating their impact on academic productivity and student success
  • Implementing data-driven approaches to budgeting and collection management
  • Measuring the effectiveness and impact of library services and programs (including information literacy) on student success and academic achievement, analyzing user feedback and assessment data for enhancement
  • Evaluating and enhancing physical spaces (study spaces, collaborative environments, makerspaces) and virtual learning spaces, discovery services, and digital repositories, using space analytics, user feedback, and design thinking
Sub-Theme 2. Driving Improvement: Measuring Organizational Growth and Alignment 
  • Defining and measuring alignment with institutional goals, including KPI development, progress tracking, and identifying improvement areas
  • Assessing organizational performance and change management
  • Data-driven evaluation of training programs and professional growth initiatives
  • Data-informed decisions by utilizing data for organizational growth and resource allocation
  • Measuring the return on investment (ROI) for library initiatives
  • Building a culture of assessment in libraries
Sub-Theme 3. Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Impact: Assessing Library Contributions
  • Assessing the inclusivity of library programs, services, and resources
  • Evaluating the diversity and representation of library collections to support a wide range of cultural perspectives and voices
  • Measuring the impact of library outreach, partnerships, and community engagement efforts in fostering social justice, public health, and community literacy
  • Quantifying libraries’ role in fostering civic engagement, lifelong learning, and community empowerment
  • Exploring innovative assessment methods and tools for understanding and measuring libraries’ contributions to cultural enrichment, social development, and public impact
  • Fostering collaboration and partnerships in library impact and assessment
Sub-Theme 4. The Future of Library Assessment: Advancing Methods, Tools, and Visualizations 
  • Examining the trends and future directions in measuring library value
  • Adopting innovative assessment frameworks
  • Leveraging data analytics and dashboards for insights and reporting
  • Applying AI and machine learning to library assessment
  • Communicating library value through advanced visualizations
  • Utilizing linked data for enhanced assessment
  • Analyzing and visualizing qualitative data effectively
  • Emerging methods for evaluating libraries and repositories
  • Addressing the ethical considerations related to data collection and use in library assessment

Important Dates

Activity Date
Release of Call for Papers 24 February 2025 (Monday)
Deadline of Abstract Submission 24 March 2025 (Monday)
Notification of Accepted Abstracts 11 April 2025 (Friday)
Registration Opens 5 May 2025 (Monday)
Deadline of Full Paper and Presentation Slide Deck Submission 30 June 2025 (Monday)
Deadline of Registration 30 June 2025 (Monday)
Pre-Conference Workshop (In-person) 2 July 2025 (Wednesday)
Conference (Online via Zoom) 3-4 July 2025 (Thursday-Friday)

Submission Format

All paper submissions must:
  • be written in English
  • provide 700-1,100 words thorough overview of the paper
  • adhere to the structure of the extended abstract (download template HERE)
  • include 5 -10 keywords
  • be submitted in Word format, Times New Roman, 12 pt
  • include the following information about the author: complete authors’ name, institutional email address, author affiliation

Abstract Submission Procedure

All abstracts must be submitted online via Interested authors may submit a maximum of three abstracts.

Create New Account

  1. Go to and click My Account.
  2. Create a new account by clicking “Sign up.”
  3. Fill out the form.

Your email address will be used as your username, and you will be asked to create a password. Please ensure the correctness of the information you enter as it will be used for official communications such as Letter of Acceptance, Letter of Invitation, and Conference Program.

Confirmation email

  1. Check your email for the confirmation link to activate your account and continue with your submission.

Submit abstract to CLIS 2025

  1. Click “Submit an abstract to CLIS 2025.
  2. Log in using your username and password. Check the “I’m not a robot.”
  3. Fill out the submission form and upload the following documents in Word Document format (.doc or .docx file format).
    File name format: CLIS2025_LastNameFirstNameInitial_Abstract (example: CLIS2025_DelaCruzJ_Abstract).

Receive submission confirmation

  1. After submission, you will receive an auto-generated email confirmation that your abstract has been received.

Publishing in Information Generation & Management (IGM)

CLIS 2025 conference presenters are invited to submit a full paper for peer review to be considered for publication in a CLIS 2025 Special Issue of Information Generation & Management (IGM).

Information Generation & Management (IGM) is published by the Association of Special Libraries of the Philippines (ASLP). The journal features theoretical, empirical, and professional practice papers that foster discussions and knowledge-sharing in the information industry and profession. IGM welcomes manuscripts that inspire conversations from diverse readers and provide a platform for unheard voices in the field.

Important Dates for IGM - CLIS Special Issue:

  • Full paper submission deadline: 1 August 2025
  • Peer review process: 15 August 2025
  • Revision (if necessary): 15 October 2025
  • Final submission to the publisher: 30 October 2025
  • Anticipated publication date: December 2025

Authors submitting to IGM must follow the journal’s submission guidelines and formatting requirements. For detailed instructions, please refer to IGM Author Guidelines.

Author Entitlement and Responsibilities

Authors of accepted papers will receive an invitation to present at the conference and a certificate of presentation. Registration fee is waived for one presenting author.

Responsibilities of Authors:

  • Complete and submit the required author form by the deadline.
  • Register for and attend the conference.
  • Present their paper in English within a 20-minute time limit.
  • Submit the final paper and conference materials in electronic format by the deadline.

Review Process

Each submission will be subjected to a blind peer-review. All submissions will be evaluated according to the following rubrics:

Criteria Under-Developed (1-2 pt/s.) Developing (3-4 pts.) Developed (5-6 pts.)
Title The title does not convey the research topic. The title partly conveys the research topic. The title clearly conveys the research topic.
Introduction The introduction does not explain why the topic merits investigation. No general overview is provided. The introduction partly outlines why the topic merits investigation. General overview is weak. The introduction persuasively demonstrates why the topic merits investigation. General overview is strong.
Purpose of the study The abstract does not present a clear purpose, or the purpose is unfocused. The main purpose of the abstract is presented, but it is not well-defined. The main purpose of the abstract is clear and concise.
Relevance to conference theme Topic is not in consonance with the conference’s theme. Topic is somewhat connected to the conference’s theme. Topic is strongly adherent to the conference theme.
Originality The abstract contains minimal original treatment or new perspectives on the topic. The abstract contains some original treatment or new perspectives on the topic. The abstract contains a highly original treatment or new perspectives on the topic.
Appropriateness of method/s used Method/s used is/are inadequate and/or not appropriate to the purpose of the study. Method/s used is/are basic but still appropriate for the purpose of the study, and is/are somewhat consistent with the chosen research design (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed). Method/s used is/are novel and appropriate for the purpose of the study, and is/are consistent with the chosen research design (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed).
Discussion The abstract does not discuss how the results relate to previous research cited in the literature review. The abstract partially discusses how the results relate to previous research cited in the literature review. The abstract provides a robust discussion of how the results relate to previous research cited in the literature review.
Conclusion The conclusions are just minimally persuasive and do not appear to be significantly supported by the research data. The conclusions are moderately persuasive and only partially supported by the research data. The conclusions are very well formulated, persuasive, and strongly supported by the research data.
Contribution to professional discourse The abstract does not explain the contribution to current professional concerns. The abstract presents current concerns of the profession, but the unique contribution is not well-defined. The abstract presents a significant contribution to the current concerns of the profession.
Style The abstract is difficult to read/understand due to sentence/paragraph structure, word selection, and lack of explanations. The abstract is mostly understandable, with a few minor inconsistencies that may be addressed. The abstract is clear, concise, and consistent. It is easily understandable and enjoyable to read.
References References are missing throughout the abstract. No way to trace back detailed information to its original source. References are mostly cited appropriately using APA citation 7th edition throughout the abstract. Some detailed information cannot be traced back to its original source. References are cited appropriately using APA citation 7th edition throughout the abstract. Detailed information can be traced back to its original source.

Contact Us

For any inquiries regarding abstract submission, please contact the CLIS Conference Committee at

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