- About the 2023 Conference
- Conference Themes
- Important Dates
- Presentation Format
- Submission Format
- Abstract Submission Procedure
- Conference Format
- Author Entitlement and Responsibilities
- Review Process
- Pre-conference workshop
- Conference Committee
The DLSU Libraries, in collaboration with Philippine Normal University Library and Information Science Alumni Association (PNULISAA), will host a two-day online conference on 5-6 July 2023 9-10 August 2023 with the theme “Breaking Barriers: Creating Meaningful Library User Experience.”
Now in its 4th year, the annual Conference on Library and Information Studies (CLIS 2023) brings together a broad community of library and information professionals, practitioners, as well as LIS educators and students to discover, discuss and demonstrate practices and initiatives on user-focused studies and projects.
Users are at the center of everything the libraries do. Delving deeper into how they are ‘experiencing libraries’ through user studies is crucial to meet their evolving needs and expectations. CLIS 2023 addresses the multifaceted challenges pertaining to creating, designing and spaces, processes, and services from the lens of the users. Its focus is to explore answers to the following questions:
- How do libraries demonstrate user-centered approaches in their innovations and day-to-day operations?
- What are the best practices and emerging trends in crafting and improving library user experiences?
- What are the barriers and breakthroughs in pivoting to a more user-focused direction?
The Conference will explore five major themes:
Theme 1. Creating Meaningful User Experience through SPACES
Libraries have been transforming and rethinking spaces in the past decades to better accommodate various activities of library users. This theme highlights libraries as a space where users find, discover, and engage - beyond learning and study purposes.
Possible areas of discussion are:
- How do users behave and engage with the library spaces?
- What do users’ current and future requirements from the library spaces
- How do drivers of change (e.g., technological change, the learning-centered library paradigm, the shift from service points to learning processes, and service convergence) impact user satisfaction in library spaces?
- How do libraries make spaces work better for users?
Theme 2. Creating Meaningful User Experience through RESOURCES
User opinions, perceptions, and biases greatly impact their use of and satisfaction with library resources. This theme explores how libraries understand users in order to meet their diverse learning and research needs through physical and digital collections and resources.
Topics of discussion may include but are not limited to:
- How do users find, access, and use information resources?
- What is the impact of users’ expectations, perceptions, and requirements on collection development?
- What are the challenges and issues users encounter when using information resources and how do libraries address those challenges?
Theme 3. Creating Meaningful User Experience through SERVICES AND PROGRAMS
Designing services and programs need to be strategic, deliberate and looked at from the perspective of the users. This theme puts emphasis on having a deeper understanding and awareness of how library services and programs are being provided to deliver the best user experience.
Discussions may focus on:
- What service innovations and programs have been introduced as a result of client-centered assessments?
- How do libraries measure and ensure service quality?
- What aspects of digital and physical services are valued by librarians and library patrons?
- How do libraries integrate promotion, outreach, and collaboration to deliver more engaging services and programs to their users?
- What are the challenges in aligning library services with the changing customer service expectations?
Theme 4. Creating Meaningful User Experience through TECHNOLOGIES
User needs, infrastructure and budget serve as the driving force behind technological innovations in libraries. This theme centers on user research and usability studies related to integrated library systems, discovery systems, library websites as well as the use of social media in libraries.
Topics may include:
- How do libraries use technology to connect with, provide services and reach out to users?
- What are the effects of user experience with technologies on user satisfaction?
- What are the obstacles in providing access and use of technology-enabled programs and services in libraries?
Theme 5. Creating Meaningful User Experience through LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT
Apart from organizational structure, processes, and financial resources, building a user-centric library rests largely on its leadership and management. This theme underscores the role of library leaders in ensuring that the strategies, goals, and user-centered practices are pushing the organization forward.
Recommended areas of discussion may include but are not limited to:
- What are the different efforts and strategies implemented by libraries towards becoming more use-centric?
- How do libraries optimize and leverage their resources to introduce new technologies and create new services from a user-centered perspective?
Deadline of proposal submission | 10 March 2023, Friday |
Notification of accepted proposal | 14 April 2023, Friday |
Registration opens | 24 April 2023, Monday |
Last day of early bird registration | 31 May 2021, Monday |
Deadline of full paper submission | June 9, 2023, Friday |
Deadline of registration | June 29, 2023, Thursday |
Deadline of presentation submission | June 29, 2023, Thursday |
Pre-conference workshop | 8 August 2023, Tuesday |
Conference day 1 | 9 August 2023, Wednesday |
Conference day 2 | 10 August 2023, Thursday |
- Oral presentation (20 minutes)
- Workshop (60 minutes)
- Paper Presentation
Interested authors may submit a research paper, conceptual paper, case study, or literature review. All submissions must:- be original and have not been published or presented at any other conferences
- be written in English
- provide 700-1,100 words thorough overview of the paper
- adhere to the structure of the extended abstract (download template HERE)
- include 5 -10 keywords
- be submitted in Word format, Times New Roman, 12 pt
- include the following information about the author: complete authors’ name, institutional email address, author affiliation
- Workshop
Interested authors and/ or workshop organizers may submit their workshop proposals. All submissions must:- be original and have not been presented at any other conferences
- be written in English
- provide 500-700 words thorough overview of the proposal
- accomplish the workshop proposal form HERE
- be submitted in Word format, Times New Roman, 12 pt
All proposals must be submitted online via animorepository.dlsu.edu.ph. Interested authors may submit a maximum of three abstracts.
Create New Account
- Go to animoreposiotry.dlsu.edu.ph and click My Account.
- Create a new account by clicking “Sign up.”
- Fill out the form. Your email address will be used as your username, and you will be asked to create a password. Please ensure the correctness of the information you enter as it will be used for official communications such as Letter of Acceptance, Letter of Invitation, and Conference Program.
Confirmation email
- Check your email for the confirmation link to activate your account and continue with your submission.
Submit abstract to CLIS 2023
- Log in using your username and password. Check the “I’m not a robot.”
- Click “Submit an abstract to CLIS 2023.”
- Fill out the submission form and upload the following documents in Word Document format (.doc or .dox file format). Make sure to choose the correct document type you are submitting (Paper Presentation or Workshop)
- Abstract (for Review)
- Abstract page consisting of title, structured abstract, and keywords. All identifying information must be removed from the abstract page.
- File name format: CIS2023_LastName_FirstNameInitial_AbstractFR
- Abstract (not for review)
- Complete abstract page consisting of title, structured abstract, keywords, complete authors’ name, institutional email address, author affiliation.
- File name format: CLIS2023_LastName_FirstNameInitial_AbstractNFR
Receive submission confirmation
- After submission, you will receive an auto-generated email confirmation that your abstract has been received.
Authors of accepted proposals shall receive a certificate of presentation and a book of abstracts. For oral presentations, the registration fee is waived. For workshops, only 2 authors or organizers per accepted proposal are exempt from the registration fee.
Responsibilities of Author
- Register for and attend the Conference.
- Present the paper in English in about 25 minutes maximum.
- Conduct workshop in English in about 60 minutes.
- Grant permission for possible audio and video recording, web broadcast, and archiving in DLSU Institutional Repository.
- Assign rights to the Conference Organizers as all papers will be disseminated to all participants in the Book of Abstracts.
- Provide completed papers and conference materials in an electronic version by the deadline, June 9, 2023, Friday
- The full paper (3,000–5,000 words) together with the signed Author Agreement Form must be submitted by 09 June 2023. Download template HERE.
- Non-receipt of final papers by this deadline means non-participation for oral presentation at the conference.
Each submission will be subjected to a blind peer-review. Abstracts that do not adhere to the submission format will be rejected. We anticipate sending a notification of acceptance two weeks after submission. All submissions will be evaluated according to the following rubrics:
A. Paper Presentation
Criteria | Under-Developed (1-2pt/s.) |
Developing (3-4 pts.) |
Developed (5-6 pts.) |
Title | The title does not convey the research topic. | The title partly conveys the research topic. | The title clearly conveys the research topic. |
Introduction | The introduction does not explain why the topic merits investigation. No general overview is provided. | The introduction partly outlines why the topic merits investigation. General overview is weak. | The introduction persuasively demonstrates why the topic merits investigation. General overview is strong. |
Purpose of the study | The abstract does not present a clear purpose, or the purpose is unfocused | The main purpose of the abstract is presented, but it is not well-defined | The main purpose of the abstract is clear and concise. |
Relevance to conference theme | Topic is not in consonance with the conference’s theme | Topic is somewhat connected to the conference’s theme | Topic is strongly adherent to the conference theme |
Originality | The abstract contains minimal original treatment or new perspectives on the topic. | The abstract contains some original treatment or new perspectives on the topic. | The abstract contains a highly original treatment or new perspectives on the topic. |
Appropriateness of method/s used | Method/s used is/are inadequate and/or not appropriate to the purpose of the study. | Method/s used is/are basic but still appropriate for the purpose of the study, and is/are somewhat consistent with the chosen research design (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed). | Method/s used is/are novel and appropriate for the purpose of the study, and is/are consistent with the chosen research design (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed). |
Discussion | The abstract does not discuss how the results relate to previous research cited in the literature review. | The abstract partially discusses how the results relate to previous research cited in the literature review. | The abstract provides a robust discussion of how the results relate to previous research cited in the literature review. |
Conclusion | The conclusions are just minimally persuasive and do not appear to be significantly supported by the research data. | The conclusions are moderately persuasive and only partially supported by the research data. | The conclusions are very well formulated, persuasive, and strongly supported by the research data. |
Contribution to professional discourse | The abstract does not explain the contribution to current professional concerns. | The abstract presents current concerns of the profession, but the unique contribution is not well-defined. | The abstract presents a significant contribution to the current concerns of the profession. |
Style | The abstract is difficult to read/understand due to sentence/paragraph structure, word selection, and lack of explanations. | The abstract is mostly understandable, with a few minor inconsistencies that may be addressed. | The abstract is clear, concise, and consistent. It is easily understandable and enjoyable to read. |
References | References are missing throughout the abstract. No way to trace back detailed information to its original source. | References are mostly cited appropriately using APA citation 7th edition throughout the abstract. Some detailed information cannot be traced back to its original source. | References are cited appropriately using APA citation 7th edition throughout the abstract. Detailed information can be traced back to its original source. |
Total Points |
B. Workshop
Criteria | Under-Developed (1-2pt/s.) |
Developing (3-4 pts.) |
Developed (5-6 pts.) |
Relevance to the conference theme | Topic is not in consonance with the conference’s theme | Topic is somewhat connected to the conference’s theme | Topic is strongly adherent to the conference theme |
Potential to generate new discussions on new directions | The workshop will not produce new concepts and ideas that can be explored to contribute to the improvements in the field | The workshop is more likely to produce new concepts and ideas that can be explored to contribute to improvements in the field | The workshop is highly to produce new concepts and ideas that can be explored to contribute to improvements in the field |
Level of engagement and interactivity | The proposed activities and strategies are not engaging and collaborative enough and most likely to induce minimal participation from the audience. | The proposed activities and strategies engaging and collaborative and most likely to encourage a right level of participation from the audience. | The proposed activities and strategies are highly engaging and collaborative and most likely to encourage maximum participation from the audience. |
Contribution to professional discourse | The proposal does not explain the contribution to current professional concerns. | The proposal presents current concerns of the profession, but the unique contribution is not well-defined. | The proposal presents a significant contribution to the current concerns of the profession. |
Appropriateness of the activities | The proposed activities and strategies are not appropriate to achieve the desired outcomes of the workshop. | The proposed activities and strategies are appropriate methods to achieve the desired outcomes of the workshop. | The proposed activities and strategies are the most appropriate methods to achieve the desired outcomes of the workshop. |
Organization | The topics are arranged in an illogical manner, making it hard to find a connection between the previous and the next topic. | The topics are arranged in an orderly manner, but a more logical arrangement can be made to maximize learning. | The topics are arranged logically, providing a good transition and flow of discussion to best grasp the concept and acquire the knowledge presented. |
Authors will receive complete instructions for accepted proposals by 10 April 2023.
A workshop on UX research methods.
Registration and other information to follow.
Chair: | Ms. Janice DC Penaflor, DLSU Libraries |
Co-Chair for Program: | Ms. Karen Cecille V. Natividad, DLSU Libraries |
Co-Chair for Publication: | Ms. Marian R. Eclevia, DLSU Libraries |
Co-Chair for Conference Accreditation and Logistics: |
Mr. Joemar Sajona, PNULISAA |
Co-Chair for Marketing and Finance: | Raven Lester R. Esperanza, PNULISAA |
Members: | Roselle Maestro-Fredeluces, DLSU Libraries Robert D. Vallente, PNULISAA Rosalinda L. Timbol, PNULISAA Augusto C. Gallo Jr., PNULISAA Jahlen Tuvilleja, PNULISAA Roselyn C. Simbajon, PNULISAA Ma. Christine S. Hernandez, PNULISAA |
For any inquiries regarding abstract submission, please contact the CLIS Committee at clis.phil@gmail.com
Updated: 20 December 2022
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