Call for Abstracts | 2022

The De La Salle University (DLSU) Libraries and the Philippine Normal University Library and Information Science Alumni Association (PNULISAA) invite you to submit a structured abstract for oral presentation at the Conference on Library and Information Studies (CLIS) 2022, which will be held online (via Zoom) on 12-13 July 2022. The call is open to librarians, information professionals, researchers, faculty, and graduate students of library and information science (LIS).

Conference Aims

CLIS 2022 is a collaborative effort between DLSU Libraries and PNULISAA to bring together librarians, LIS teachers and students, and information professionals to explore, learn, and share diverse experiences and knowledge. The content of the conference will be of interest to library managers, librarians, library staff, knowledge managers, chief information officers, and information professionals.

Proposals should consider the theme: Engaged Libraries: Carving Opportunities in Critical Times. The COVID-19 pandemic was a game-changer in numerous ways as it had a profound impact on libraries and information centers. It has challenged our conventional thinking on how we deliver our services, engage with our community, manage our people, enact our policies, and adapt to change. Hence, this period of disruption has accelerated the digital and physical transformation of our libraries. Librarians and information professionals are now in a position to seize opportunities and drive forward-thinking reforms and innovations as we transition to a post-pandemic world. Through the lens of openness, we have an opportunity to rethink every aspect of our libraries. We may draw lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic to improve the inclusiveness, evidence-based nature, responsiveness, and innovation of library practices and policies. A stronger emphasis on anticipating responses, agility in managing our responses to change, robust user engagement, and a greater commitment to collaborative initiatives will contribute to a more positive future for libraries. On this premise, this conference aims to contribute in the demonstration of this pandemic’s impact on libraries and information centers and promote an open mindset for carving opportunities that arise from crises.

Conference Topics

Proposals may cover completed library projects, best practices, emerging trends, issues, and solutions in the following areas of research, but are not limited to:

  • Libraries in the research and innovation landscape
  • Digital technologies and their influence on everyday life of libraries
  • Sustainable library services and programs in support of SDG Goal 4: Quality Education and Goal 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
  • Supporting digital transformation in libraries
  • Impact of COVID-19 on library management and leadership
  • Strategies and digitally ready skill-sets to survive and thrive in a post-Covid world
  • Inclusion, diversity and internationalization in libraries
  • Shaping the future of libraries
  • Digital content and data – curation and structures
  • Redesigning physical and digital library spaces in the post-Covid world
  • Library project management and service delivery in a pandemic setting
  • Electronic resources management: pandemic effects and directions
  • Role of libraries in documenting the COVID-19
  • Libraries and learners in the online environment
  • Changing landscape of LIS education
  • Customer engagement in libraries

Important Dates

31 March 2022
18 April 2022
Deadline of abstract submission
15 April 2022
02 May 2022
Notification of accepted proposals
15 May 2022
06 June 2022
Deadline of full paper submission
30 June 2022 Deadline of final full paper
08 July 2022 Deadline of presentation submission
12-13 July 2022 Presentation of accepted papers

Submission Format

Interested authors may submit a research paper, conceptual paper, case study, or literature review. All submissions must

  • be original and have not been published or presented at any other conferences
  • be written in English
  • provide 500-700 word thorough overview of the paper
  • adhere to the structure of abstract
    • Purpose
    • Research questions and/or hypotheses (if applicable)
    • Methodology (design, methods, sampling, data analysis)
    • Results (or expected results)
    • Research/practical implications
    • Originality or value of paper
  • include 5 -10 keywords
  • be submitted in Word format, Times New Roman, 12 pt
  • include the following information about the author: complete authors’ name, institutional email address, author affiliation

Submission Process

All proposals must be submitted online via Interested authors may submit a maximum of three abstracts.

Create New Account
  1. Go to and click My Account.
  2. Create a new account by clicking “Sign up.”
  3. Fill out the form. Your email address will be used as your username, and you will be asked to create a password. Please ensure the correctness of the information you enter as it will be used for official communications such as Letter of Acceptance, Letter of Invitation, and Conference Program.
Confirmation email
  1. Check your email for the confirmation link to activate your account and continue with your submission.
Submit abstract to CLIS 2022
  1. Log in using your username and password. Check the “I’m not a robot.”
  2. Click “Submit an abstract to CLIS 2022.”
  3. Fill out the submission form and upload the following documents in Word Document format (.doc or .dox file format).
    1. Abstract (for Review)
      • Abstract page consisting of title, structured abstract, and keywords. All identifying information must be removed from the abstract page.
      • File name format: CIS2022_LastName_FirstNameInitial_AbstractFR
    2. Abstract (not for review)
      • Complete abstract page consisting of title, structured abstract, keywords, complete authors’ name, institutional email address, author affiliation.
      • File name format: CLIS2022_LastName_FirstNameInitial_AbstractNFR
Receive submission confirmation
  1. After submission, you will receive an auto-generated email confirmation that your abstract has been received.

Conference Format

The program of the conference includes oral presentations. All presenters and participants are invited to join us via Zoom. The conference registration fee includes two days of sessions, learning opportunities, networking, copies of presentations and book of abstracts, certificates of participation with CPD points, and more.

Review Process

Each submission will be subjected to a blind peer-review. Abstracts that do not adhere to the Submission Format will likely be rejected. We anticipate sending a notification of acceptance two weeks after submission. All submissions will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Relevance to the conference theme. The proposal is closely related to and consistent with the conference theme
  • Purpose. The primary purpose of the paper is clear and concise. It succinctly expresses the purpose in a single enticing and thought-provoking statement.
  • Contribution to professional discourse. The proposal is relevant to current challenges and will contribute to the profession's existing conversation themes.
  • Originality. The proposal suggests new information on the theme or a unique application of information
  • Appropriateness of method(s) used. The proposal demonstrates methodological rigor through the application of the most appropriate methods/approaches.
  • Practical implications. The proposal includes concrete examples of how participants might apply their knowledge or method in real-world situations.

Authors will receive complete instructions for accepted proposals by 15 April 2022.

  • The full paper (3,000–5,000 words) together with the signed Author Agreement Form must be submitted by 15 May 2022.
  • Authors will respond to the reviewer’s comments, modify, and update their manuscript, with final papers due by 30 June 2022. Non-receipt of final papers by this deadline means non-participation for oral presentation at the conference.

Author Entitlement

Authors of accepted papers shall receive a certificate of presentation and a book of abstracts. Registration fee is waived. A modest honorarium shall be given per accepted paper.

Publication Opportunity

All final papers submitted shall be reviewed by a team of external reviewers (unless the author has indicated to exclude it from the publication). Selected papers, on the basis of merit, will be published in book format.

Conference Committee

Chair: Ms. Willian SA Frias, DLSU Libraries
Co-Chair for Program: Ms. Janice DC Penaflor, DLSU Libraries
Co-Chair for Publication: Ms. Marian R. Eclevia, DLSU Libraries
Co-Chair for Conference Accreditation and Logistics: Ms. Micah Marie B. Tutor, PNULISAA
Co-Chair for Marketing and Finance: Mr. Carlo Zebedee Gualvez, PNULISAA

Ms. Elizabeth B. Padilla, DLSU Libraries
Ms. Cynthia Cordova, DLSU Libraries
Mr. Edward Pasaporte, DLSU Libraries
Ms. Grace Ruth T. Daulat, PNULISAA
Ms. Ma. Christine S. Hernandez, PNULISAA
Mr. Augusto C. Gallo, Jr, PNULISAA
Ms. Johny A. Prudencio, PNULISAA
Ms. Christianne Georgette V. Sempio, PNULISAA
Ms. Roselyn C. Simbajon, PNULISAA
Ms. Sheila May R. Ayran, PNULISAA

Further Inquiries

For any inquiries regarding abstract submission, please contact the CLIS Committee at

Submit an abstract to CLIS 2022

Updated: 31 March 2022