Examining the digital literacy skills of librarians in Pampanga using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
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13-7-2022 9:35 AM
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13-7-2022 10:05 AM
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Purpose/objective. Digital literacy skills make possible for librarians to use digital tools and technologies. The main purpose of this study is to determine the digital literacy skills of librarians in Pampanga and describe the relationship between TAM’s dimensions and digital literacy of librarians.
Research Questions. The study aims to assess librarians’ digital literacy skills in Pampanga with the view of designing a training program. Specifically, it answers the following questions: 1) What are the digital literacy skills possessed by librarians? 2) How do librarians acquire and improve their digital literacy skills? 3) What is the level of digital literacy of the librarians? 4) What is the difference in librarians’ digital literacy in accordance with their demographic backgrounds (gender, age, district, home internet connection, and tenure of being computer user)? 5) What is the relationship between TAM’s dimensions and digital literacy of the librarians? 6) What is the most dominant factor that influencing the digital literacy of librarians?
By using the original TAM as theoretical base, two dimensions from the TAM will be selected as variables; Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) and Perceived Usefulness (PU) together with other variables gender, age, district, home internet connection, tenure of being computer use, and purpose of using digital technologies.
Methodology. The study will make use of quantitative research design particularly descriptive method where a researcher-made survey questionnaire will serve as the main data gathering tool. The questionnaire will be validated using expert validation and Cronbach alpha will be computed to test its reliability. Participants will be selected using purposive sampling. Descriptive and inferential statistics primarily frequency distribution, percentile, ranking, mean, standard deviation, and regression analysis will be used to present, analyze, and interpret the data gathered. The following items will be considered in the conduct of the study: informed consent, privacy, and confidentiality. The researcher will obtain the informed consent from all the study participants, emphasizing that their participation is voluntary and free of charge.
Findings. The study presents the digital literacy skills possessed by librarians and how they acquire and improve their digital literacy skills. The level of digital literacy of librarians and its difference in accordance with their demographic backgrounds are presented. The relationship between TAM’s dimensions and digital literacy of librarians and the most dominant factor that influencing the digital literacy of librarians are explained.
Practical Implications. In the new normal where many library services have shifted to online, it is crucial to assess the digital literacy skills of librarians needed to effectively deliver library online programs and services. The need to invest on capacity building particularly on digital libraries services and skills development will further be justified by the study.
Originality of the Paper. The paper is related to the study conducted by Mulat & Natarajan for university libraries of Ethiopia particularly the first two items in the SOP. However, this research will be specific on the librarians in the Philippines, particularly in Pampanga.
Recommended Citation
(2022). Examining the digital literacy skills of librarians in Pampanga using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Retrieved from https://animorepository.dlsu.edu.ph/conf_clis/2022/Schedule/12
Examining the digital literacy skills of librarians in Pampanga using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
Purpose/objective. Digital literacy skills make possible for librarians to use digital tools and technologies. The main purpose of this study is to determine the digital literacy skills of librarians in Pampanga and describe the relationship between TAM’s dimensions and digital literacy of librarians.
Research Questions. The study aims to assess librarians’ digital literacy skills in Pampanga with the view of designing a training program. Specifically, it answers the following questions: 1) What are the digital literacy skills possessed by librarians? 2) How do librarians acquire and improve their digital literacy skills? 3) What is the level of digital literacy of the librarians? 4) What is the difference in librarians’ digital literacy in accordance with their demographic backgrounds (gender, age, district, home internet connection, and tenure of being computer user)? 5) What is the relationship between TAM’s dimensions and digital literacy of the librarians? 6) What is the most dominant factor that influencing the digital literacy of librarians?
By using the original TAM as theoretical base, two dimensions from the TAM will be selected as variables; Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) and Perceived Usefulness (PU) together with other variables gender, age, district, home internet connection, tenure of being computer use, and purpose of using digital technologies.
Methodology. The study will make use of quantitative research design particularly descriptive method where a researcher-made survey questionnaire will serve as the main data gathering tool. The questionnaire will be validated using expert validation and Cronbach alpha will be computed to test its reliability. Participants will be selected using purposive sampling. Descriptive and inferential statistics primarily frequency distribution, percentile, ranking, mean, standard deviation, and regression analysis will be used to present, analyze, and interpret the data gathered. The following items will be considered in the conduct of the study: informed consent, privacy, and confidentiality. The researcher will obtain the informed consent from all the study participants, emphasizing that their participation is voluntary and free of charge.
Findings. The study presents the digital literacy skills possessed by librarians and how they acquire and improve their digital literacy skills. The level of digital literacy of librarians and its difference in accordance with their demographic backgrounds are presented. The relationship between TAM’s dimensions and digital literacy of librarians and the most dominant factor that influencing the digital literacy of librarians are explained.
Practical Implications. In the new normal where many library services have shifted to online, it is crucial to assess the digital literacy skills of librarians needed to effectively deliver library online programs and services. The need to invest on capacity building particularly on digital libraries services and skills development will further be justified by the study.
Originality of the Paper. The paper is related to the study conducted by Mulat & Natarajan for university libraries of Ethiopia particularly the first two items in the SOP. However, this research will be specific on the librarians in the Philippines, particularly in Pampanga.