Animo Repository - Conference on Library and Information Studies: SAP-ed!: assessment of the Suggest-A-Purchase submission behavior of DLSU academic community

SAP-ed!: assessment of the Suggest-A-Purchase submission behavior of DLSU academic community

Start Date

13-7-2022 11:25 AM

End Date

13-7-2022 11:55 AM

Upload Abstract

Purpose of the Study

This assessment is conducted to determine the behavior of De La Salle University’s academic community in utilizing one of the static communication options of the library – the suggest-a-purchase facility of Animosearch. As a platform launched during the pandemic, this assessment aims to examine the trend and submission behavior of the academic community based on the submissions to the SAP facility. The authors aim to (1) illustrate the format preference of the academic community of DLSU during the pandemic, (2) Identify possible training opportunities to maximize the use of the requesting facility, and (3) Recommend adjustments on the SAP facility and possibly suggest policy streamlining based on the behavior of the requestors.

Methodology (design, approach)

The assessment will be conducted using the data gathered from the Suggest-A-Purchase facility and the responses and actions attributed to the request. Listing the data gathered from the launch of Animosearch and the sources of status of the request will be checked. Most pertinent activity and characteristics of the requests will be lifted for discussion. Identification of requesting trends and group actions will also be taken note of. The details will include the status of the requestor, the format requested, the type of material requested, and the corresponding action provided in response to the request.

Findings (expected results)

Guided by the collection development policy of the Libraries, the student may submit their requests in the Suggest-A-Purchase facility of Animosearch. Using the data, the authors aim to identify adjustments that can be made to Animosearch, evaluation of materials, information dissemination to the community, and suggestions for proper SAP utilization. Moreover, this assessment shows how the academic community utilizes non-dynamic library service that translates to areas of research skills that requires additional guide or enhancement.

Research limitations

Through the Suggest-A-Purchase facility, students can request for books, journal titles and audio or video titles that they need or may be beneficial to their information needs. This research will focus on the requesting behavior of the academic community of De La Salle University and their utilization of Suggest-A-Purchase facility as documented during the initial year and a half operation of the Animosearch. All submissions must be under the valid MyLaSalle (MLS) account of the requestor, since this service is for DLSU students, faculty and staff only. Guests may send an email to the general contact options of the library. Requests with missing or incomplete requester details will not be evaluated.

Practical implications/value of the paper

The data coming from direct users of the library are valuable factors in determining the adaptive responses and solutions that Libraries may add to their service offerings. As searchability and accessibility are crucial factors in information delivery, the data of this assessment can be used as a gauge if the Libraries are able to transcend the various divides and address the gaps to reach the target community. Technology is the one of the most important tools of the world and society at this time and transitioning to a new platform can have its fair share of glitches that may need to be addressed. Analyzing the requesting behavior of the academic community using the Suggest-A-Purchase facility allows the Libraries to see how the users utilized the library services on their own. The authors can have an idea of the information searching capabilities of the community and this information impacts plans in collection development and reference services of an institution

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Jul 13th, 11:25 AM Jul 13th, 11:55 AM

SAP-ed!: assessment of the Suggest-A-Purchase submission behavior of DLSU academic community

Purpose of the Study

This assessment is conducted to determine the behavior of De La Salle University’s academic community in utilizing one of the static communication options of the library – the suggest-a-purchase facility of Animosearch. As a platform launched during the pandemic, this assessment aims to examine the trend and submission behavior of the academic community based on the submissions to the SAP facility. The authors aim to (1) illustrate the format preference of the academic community of DLSU during the pandemic, (2) Identify possible training opportunities to maximize the use of the requesting facility, and (3) Recommend adjustments on the SAP facility and possibly suggest policy streamlining based on the behavior of the requestors.

Methodology (design, approach)

The assessment will be conducted using the data gathered from the Suggest-A-Purchase facility and the responses and actions attributed to the request. Listing the data gathered from the launch of Animosearch and the sources of status of the request will be checked. Most pertinent activity and characteristics of the requests will be lifted for discussion. Identification of requesting trends and group actions will also be taken note of. The details will include the status of the requestor, the format requested, the type of material requested, and the corresponding action provided in response to the request.

Findings (expected results)

Guided by the collection development policy of the Libraries, the student may submit their requests in the Suggest-A-Purchase facility of Animosearch. Using the data, the authors aim to identify adjustments that can be made to Animosearch, evaluation of materials, information dissemination to the community, and suggestions for proper SAP utilization. Moreover, this assessment shows how the academic community utilizes non-dynamic library service that translates to areas of research skills that requires additional guide or enhancement.

Research limitations

Through the Suggest-A-Purchase facility, students can request for books, journal titles and audio or video titles that they need or may be beneficial to their information needs. This research will focus on the requesting behavior of the academic community of De La Salle University and their utilization of Suggest-A-Purchase facility as documented during the initial year and a half operation of the Animosearch. All submissions must be under the valid MyLaSalle (MLS) account of the requestor, since this service is for DLSU students, faculty and staff only. Guests may send an email to the general contact options of the library. Requests with missing or incomplete requester details will not be evaluated.

Practical implications/value of the paper

The data coming from direct users of the library are valuable factors in determining the adaptive responses and solutions that Libraries may add to their service offerings. As searchability and accessibility are crucial factors in information delivery, the data of this assessment can be used as a gauge if the Libraries are able to transcend the various divides and address the gaps to reach the target community. Technology is the one of the most important tools of the world and society at this time and transitioning to a new platform can have its fair share of glitches that may need to be addressed. Analyzing the requesting behavior of the academic community using the Suggest-A-Purchase facility allows the Libraries to see how the users utilized the library services on their own. The authors can have an idea of the information searching capabilities of the community and this information impacts plans in collection development and reference services of an institution