Animo Repository - Conference on Library and Information Studies: Embracing new normal set up: Emerging challenges and changes in library services during the pandemic period in selected higher educational institutions in Metro Manila: Basis for library contingency plan

Embracing new normal set up: Emerging challenges and changes in library services during the pandemic period in selected higher educational institutions in Metro Manila: Basis for library contingency plan

Start Date

12-7-2022 9:00 AM

End Date

12-7-2022 9:30 AM

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This paper aims to share and describe the changes and challenges of higher educational institutions in providing library services even if physical interaction is limited or not possible while meeting the demand of the stakeholders during the new normal setup. It also intends to be a tool for constructing a continuity plan for emergency cases.

Research Question.

The study would like to determine, what types of services are available during the new normal setup. What are the different methods or strategies that were used to adapt to the new normal setup? What platforms and electronic resources were used to make the services available? How do the libraries maintain good quality services? How do work setup and schedule affect the library personnel? Lastly, what are the factors that affect the library services during the new normal setup?


This research employed a qualitative research design to describe the nature of a situation that existed at the time of the study and as a guide for further research. The researcher utilized an in-depth interview wherein participants were interviewed individually using a semi-structured interview questionnaire through the zoom media platform and gathered data in the phenomenological tradition. The data collected were tabulated and interpreted using thematic analysis by manual coding method. Purposive sampling techniques were also used for the study. Participants were composed of (7) library personnel which are: the university director, university librarian, chief librarian, librarians, and library assistants from selected higher educational libraries are among the library that continues to deliver library services. All of them were actively working either from home or onsite during the first semester of the school year 2020–2021. Participants were chosen based on their availability during the interview


Based on the study, all participants work from Monday to Friday, majority or four (4) out of seven (7) are work both from home and onsite from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Library services are available online, remote, and onsite. Five (5) libraries utilized EBSCOhost a subscription-based electronic resource and took advantage of social media platforms such as Facebook, Messenger, and Twitter. It was also found that different practices were employed to adapt to the new normal setup such as the utilization of technological devices, social media, current awareness, and revising operation development plan. On the other hand, the majority of the participants secured their resources by implementing the copyright law policy and required log-in credentials for online databases. Meanwhile, all libraries ensure reliability, accessibility, and consistency in providing resources and services. In addition, participants have sufficient devices and preferred to work onsite. It was revealed that some libraries experienced challenges on unstable internet, limited budget, and resources that affect library services.

Research/Practical Implications

Libraries were able to adapt despite challenges in the new normal setup through, different library practices and social media. It also shows the presence of reliability, accessibility, and consistency in resources and services. Work onsite still matters while issues on the internet, limited budget, and resources are the challenges brought by the current situation.

In general, the researchers intended to determine the challenges facing librarians and changes in library services during the pandemic period. In view of this situation, the researchers were determined to conduct this study with the hope and intention that the results would benefit the following:

Institution. The significance of the study is for the selected institutions of academic schools to make them aware that there are innovative and effective ways and procedures to make the library adjust to the new normal setup and still serve the community.

Administration. This study will serve as an eye-opener for the administration to make the library services still available during a crisis. Since preparedness and awareness are essential during this time, information dissemination must not be left behind. And since the library serves as an information provider through its resources and services, a library contingency plan serves as a powerful tool.

Librarian/staff. Design a framework for the use of librarians and staff in conducting advanced procedural programs to support the library's services during new normal settings and emergency circumstances.

Library Information Science (LIS) Faculty. This will serve as an additional tool for the faculty teaching library and information science in preparing future librarians to develop a strategic plan for library management.

Library Information Science (LIS) students. This will serve as an insight to students by providing trends and awareness of the alternative ways of handling library services during unexpected circumstances.

Future Researchers. It is hoped that this study will serve as a guide for future researchers in conducting further studies on the subject and other related topic.

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Jul 12th, 9:00 AM Jul 12th, 9:30 AM

Embracing new normal set up: Emerging challenges and changes in library services during the pandemic period in selected higher educational institutions in Metro Manila: Basis for library contingency plan


This paper aims to share and describe the changes and challenges of higher educational institutions in providing library services even if physical interaction is limited or not possible while meeting the demand of the stakeholders during the new normal setup. It also intends to be a tool for constructing a continuity plan for emergency cases.

Research Question.

The study would like to determine, what types of services are available during the new normal setup. What are the different methods or strategies that were used to adapt to the new normal setup? What platforms and electronic resources were used to make the services available? How do the libraries maintain good quality services? How do work setup and schedule affect the library personnel? Lastly, what are the factors that affect the library services during the new normal setup?


This research employed a qualitative research design to describe the nature of a situation that existed at the time of the study and as a guide for further research. The researcher utilized an in-depth interview wherein participants were interviewed individually using a semi-structured interview questionnaire through the zoom media platform and gathered data in the phenomenological tradition. The data collected were tabulated and interpreted using thematic analysis by manual coding method. Purposive sampling techniques were also used for the study. Participants were composed of (7) library personnel which are: the university director, university librarian, chief librarian, librarians, and library assistants from selected higher educational libraries are among the library that continues to deliver library services. All of them were actively working either from home or onsite during the first semester of the school year 2020–2021. Participants were chosen based on their availability during the interview


Based on the study, all participants work from Monday to Friday, majority or four (4) out of seven (7) are work both from home and onsite from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Library services are available online, remote, and onsite. Five (5) libraries utilized EBSCOhost a subscription-based electronic resource and took advantage of social media platforms such as Facebook, Messenger, and Twitter. It was also found that different practices were employed to adapt to the new normal setup such as the utilization of technological devices, social media, current awareness, and revising operation development plan. On the other hand, the majority of the participants secured their resources by implementing the copyright law policy and required log-in credentials for online databases. Meanwhile, all libraries ensure reliability, accessibility, and consistency in providing resources and services. In addition, participants have sufficient devices and preferred to work onsite. It was revealed that some libraries experienced challenges on unstable internet, limited budget, and resources that affect library services.

Research/Practical Implications

Libraries were able to adapt despite challenges in the new normal setup through, different library practices and social media. It also shows the presence of reliability, accessibility, and consistency in resources and services. Work onsite still matters while issues on the internet, limited budget, and resources are the challenges brought by the current situation.

In general, the researchers intended to determine the challenges facing librarians and changes in library services during the pandemic period. In view of this situation, the researchers were determined to conduct this study with the hope and intention that the results would benefit the following:

Institution. The significance of the study is for the selected institutions of academic schools to make them aware that there are innovative and effective ways and procedures to make the library adjust to the new normal setup and still serve the community.

Administration. This study will serve as an eye-opener for the administration to make the library services still available during a crisis. Since preparedness and awareness are essential during this time, information dissemination must not be left behind. And since the library serves as an information provider through its resources and services, a library contingency plan serves as a powerful tool.

Librarian/staff. Design a framework for the use of librarians and staff in conducting advanced procedural programs to support the library's services during new normal settings and emergency circumstances.

Library Information Science (LIS) Faculty. This will serve as an additional tool for the faculty teaching library and information science in preparing future librarians to develop a strategic plan for library management.

Library Information Science (LIS) students. This will serve as an insight to students by providing trends and awareness of the alternative ways of handling library services during unexpected circumstances.

Future Researchers. It is hoped that this study will serve as a guide for future researchers in conducting further studies on the subject and other related topic.