"Do Generations Matter? The Moderating Role of Media in Adherence to CO" by Luz Suplico, Reynaldo B. Bautista et al.

Do Generations Matter? The Moderating Role of Media in Adherence to COVID-19 Quarantine Protocol

JEL Classification System



This study examined the perceptions of Filipinos from Generations X, Y, and Z towards adherence to COVID-19 quarantine protocol. Of the 400 Filipino respondents, 55 were Generation Xers, 86 were from Generation Y, whereas 259 were from Generation Z. Using the theory of planned behavior, the results suggest that there were no significant differences in how Generations X, Y, and Z responded to the quarantine protocol even if media moderated the relationship between self-efficacy and adherence to quarantine protocol. Thus, marketers can use a standardized campaign to encourage Generations X, Y, and Z to adhere to the quarantine protocol.

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