About This Journal | DLSU BUSINESS & ECONOMICS REVIEW | DLSU Publications | De La Salle University

About This Journal

The DLSU Business & Economics Review (DLSUBER) publishes high quality theoretical, empirical, and methodological research in the fields of accounting, business management, commercial law, economics, finance, and marketing. The DLSU Business & Economics Review aims to reach an audience in these six fields and is published twice a year. It is listed in SciVerse Scopus since 2011 and abstracted and indexed in EBSCO since 2009. It is listed in the ASEAN Citation Index since 2015. It is also included in the Commission on Higher Education Journal Challenge Program since 2017.

Annual Subscription Rates

Foreign libraries and institutions: US$40 (surface mail), US$50 (airmail).
Individuals: US$25 (surface mail), US$35 (airmail).
Philippine domestic subscription rates: for libraries and institutions: Php1,500, individuals: Php1,300.

Please contact Ms. Joanne T. Castañares for subscription details:

Telefax: (632) 523-4281
Email: joanne.castanares@dlsu.edu.ph