
Competitive Trend and the Development of Advantageous Goods in Terms of Value Added Among ASEAN Economies: A Multiregional Input– Output Analysis

JEL Classification System

A13, D57, F43


This study aims to investigate the competitive trend and the development of advantageous goods in terms of value added among ASEAN economies in the context of the strong production shift that is taking place globally, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. To achieve this purpose, we use the inter-regional IO analysis method to analyze the value added by sector level of ASEAN economies. The results show a big disturbance in the ranking of value added for the garment and textile industries and high-tech goods among ASEAN countries. Noticeably, the participation in the total global value chain of countries such as Thailand and Malaysia remains at a high level, ranging from 40% to 45%. Meanwhile, Vietnam’s value added has grown strongly and reached a level equivalent to previous countries with more developed economies in the region. The research results also show the big trend of competition in terms of value added among ASEAN countries in taking advantage of the recent shift of production from major countries out of China, especially industries with high value-added.

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