

Technology in education has various challenges. However, limited empirical attention has been bestowed to determining whether teachers, who are at the heart of innovation in classroom instruction, have a favorable attitude towards technology. This study describes the attitude of Filipino teachers towards technology, including their determinants and association with technology integration practice. Data were collected from a randomly-selected sample of 150 teachers who responded to a survey instrument adapted from the tools of Ventakesh and Davis (2000) and of Florida’s Center for Instructional Technology (2005). Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 21 and AMOS version 20. Results suggest that the teachers surveyed have a favorable attitude towards technology. Moreover, the confirmatory factor analysis reveals that the grade level assignment of the teachers is significantly associated with their attitude towards technology (β=-.12, p=.05). In addition, results of the structural equation model revealed that only the perceived ease of use of technology significantly associates with technology integration practice of the teachers (β=0.75, p<.001 and β=0.59, p<.001). There is a need for large-scale surveys to obtain definitive findings on the topic. However, if the present evidence is an indication, the positive attitude among Filipino teachers will bode well for their application and integration of technology into their teaching activities.
