

To succeed in the modern world, members of society must be adept at keeping pace with myriad, often unpredictable circumstances. As such, it is crucial that creative skills and thinking are cultivated at an early age. With these concerns in mind, we conducted a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) regarding the creative administration by Thai administrators on early childhood education. Data were gathered through questionnaires given to 324 administrators and teachers working with students in early childhood education who were selected through a multi-stage random sampling technique. The data collection tool was a questionnaire with an Index of Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) of 0.60–1.00. Descriptive statistics were used including the mean ( and standard deviation (S.D.). The findings from the CFA of the six significant factors for Thai administrators’ creative administration of early childhood education, ranked in most important to least important, were 1) creative measurement and evaluation (0.55), 2) creative resources and learning atmosphere development (0.50), 3) creative media and technology development (0.50), 4) creative research development (0.47), 5) creative learning process development (0.44), and 6) creative curriculum development at the early childhood level (0.34). All the factors corresponded with the empirical data and the results of this research can be applied by administrators of early childhood schools to improve the quality of education by recognizing the need to focus on creativity.
