The behaviours of principals and teachers in selected top performing secondary schools in the National Capital Region of the Philippines


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Educational Leadership and Management

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Title

Fourth International Conference on Catholic Educational Leadership

Publication Date



The study sought to develop a model of principals' ·leadership and interpersonal behaviours and teac)lers' classroom interpersonal behaviou'rs for secondary schools,· gathered from twelve top performing schools in the National Capital Region in the PHilippines. The. study covered all 􀀂he principals and a random sample of permanent teachers (N=24) in the participant schools. Data were gathered through interviews and the use of five standardised instruments. Basically, the study determined: (a) the principals' leadership and interpersonal behaviours based on their self-report and on teachers' assessments, and (b) the teachers' self-reports of their classroom interpersonal behaviours. Leadership behaviour analysis covered determining principals' primary leadership style, leadership style flexibility, and leadership style effectiveness. The study likewise investigated (a) whether there is similarity between the principals' and teachers' assessments of the leadership and interpersonal behaviours of the former (b) whether the teachers' interpersonal behaviours are similar with or different from the principals' interpersonal behaviours and (c) whether teachers' observations of their principals' interpersonal behaviours are similar with or different from what they preferred their principals to demonstrate in relating to them. Lastly, the study determined if the type of school has a mediating effect on principals' leadership .and interpersonal behaviours and on the teachers' interpersonal behaviours.



Educational Administration and Supervision


Abstract only


Educational leadership—Philippines—Metro Manila; Teacher-principal relationships—Philippines—Metro Manila; Classroom environment

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