Document Types

Poster Presentation

Research Advisor (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)

Alfonso B. Astudillo III

Abstract/Executive Summary

Although single mothers have integrated themselves into society, not much is known about them or their plight. Single mothers often struggle psychologically, physically, and emotionally. They face various challenges in society: discrimination, rejection, and even blackmail from different sectors. As the mothers would be exposed to more challenges and struggles, their children also get involved. They often use spiritual, social support, cognitive, economic, recreational activities and self development as their strategies in coping with their many struggles. The study used a cross-sectional survey created by the researchers. The participants were categorized as single moms, married, separated, or widowed. The study covered the challenges faced by single mothers, how they coped with such, their plans for the future, and how they planned to accomplish these. The qualitative research design used for this research was phenomenology, which added depth and insight to the experiences single mothers have. The researchers identified that the main struggles faced by single mothers are physical, psychological, and emotional challenges. Most single mothers use economic, cognitive, spiritual, and self development as their way to overcome these challenges. Their common plans for the future are complexity and generativity. Not only do single mothers think about their present lives but they also prepare themselves for the future. Every single mother wants her children to have the best education, but besides that, single mothers plan to have a sustainable job and be independent.


single mothers; children; single-parent; two-parent; challenges; plans

Research Theme (for Paper Presentation and Poster Presentation submissions only)

Family, Relations, and Social Structure (FRS)

Start Date

13-5-2022 8:00 AM

End Date

13-5-2022 10:00 AM


May 13th, 8:00 AM May 13th, 10:00 AM

Alone but Resilient: The Plight of Single Mothers

Although single mothers have integrated themselves into society, not much is known about them or their plight. Single mothers often struggle psychologically, physically, and emotionally. They face various challenges in society: discrimination, rejection, and even blackmail from different sectors. As the mothers would be exposed to more challenges and struggles, their children also get involved. They often use spiritual, social support, cognitive, economic, recreational activities and self development as their strategies in coping with their many struggles. The study used a cross-sectional survey created by the researchers. The participants were categorized as single moms, married, separated, or widowed. The study covered the challenges faced by single mothers, how they coped with such, their plans for the future, and how they planned to accomplish these. The qualitative research design used for this research was phenomenology, which added depth and insight to the experiences single mothers have. The researchers identified that the main struggles faced by single mothers are physical, psychological, and emotional challenges. Most single mothers use economic, cognitive, spiritual, and self development as their way to overcome these challenges. Their common plans for the future are complexity and generativity. Not only do single mothers think about their present lives but they also prepare themselves for the future. Every single mother wants her children to have the best education, but besides that, single mothers plan to have a sustainable job and be independent.